[center][h2]Anna Powers, Corridors[/h2][/center] "So this is happening... This.... THIS!? THIS!?!?!?" It was the thought that persisted in the mind of Anna as she made her way down the hallway. A loud noise in the adjacent classroom caused her to duck behind some lockers, only seconds before the classroom doors burst open. A student, screaming and crying fell through as his former classmates descended upon his body. As scenes of horrific gore began to occur, Anna dashed by the man eaters while they were preoccupied with their feast. "Of all the ridiculous, asinine, downright retarded ways that my life could end!" Anna's pace began to quicken. "THIS! THIS is what's going to try to get me! A fucking zombie outbreak!? I mean really!!!" Tears now began to fall. "And of course, it happens here, while I'm half way across the world, in a country where people are packed like fucking sardines!" Anna fell to her knees, staring down the blood soaked hall of the school. Various zombies wandered while others sat and devoured their fellow classmates. Gore and bile pooled around them, completing this nightmarish reality. "I....I don't understand... why now? Why ever? What the fuck is going on?" Anna whispered to herself. The zombies took little notice of the prey sat near them in the hallway as they were more interested in their fresh kills. This gave time for Anna to compose herself a little, rising off the floor. "Gah.... screw this... I can't... I can't think about that right now dammit! I need to keep moving." Thus she quickly jogged by the zombies further down the hall. Anna came to a stair case. Now, further below, she heard the screams of the living and the moans of the dead while above, she heard practically nothing at all. Making the quick, smart decision, she decided to head upwards. Anna reached a relatively quieter floor. It seemed most of the students had left this part for the exit. Either way, things were getting unsettlingly quiet for Anna, so she kept her guard up. She rounded a corner and saw a single student balled up against the wall. She looked understandibly shell shocked, probably not even noticing Anna's arrival. Anna approached cautiously, but not threateningly, making her motions very deliberate and slow. "Hey." she said as she walked up to the girl. "Are you hurt?" [@Winter05]