[h3]Jack Orpheus | Grimm Studies[/h3] [color=steelblue]"Sweet, sharks"[/color], as powerful as the Megalodeus seemed, it was kind of cool. As he listened on the class, it seems they were to... Hunt this thing? Under water? If there was anything Jack knew, it was that water was bad for him, specifically under water. His speed wasn't so useful there. There seemed to be some equipment to deal with it, and it wasn't like his Semblance was actual lightning so he could still use it underwater, but it was incredibly lowered in effectiveness. Maybe he can compensate with equipment or additional equipment. They must have something that can make his daggers a little more effective underwater. Fortunately, it was to work as a team to take one down, so maybe they can make a plan to compensate... None of his team was in this class though unfortunately. They were all in Armoury. So what options did he have for a team here...?