[b]>Anobis System >Ominus Private Quarters[/b] Tidus meditated in his private quarters onboard the Ominus as it laid silently in cloak, only metres away from the raging battle. Tidus had only brought the Ominus, two Droidekas as bodyguards and himself. His mind paced over each of the clones, one by one, seeking deep within. Battle Meditation had no affect on robotics as they were not mentally linked to the force and thus could be 'inspired'. However, Clones were still living creatures. Their minds were linked, and so Tidus could effect them. Soon, One by One, Clone troops made small, unnoticeable mistake in their performance and calculations. However these little mistakes often resulted in hellish outcomes, whether for themselves or for their fellow troopers. Soon, the troopers moral began to wither. That was until he sensed her. A Jedi. Ripe for plucking. Leaving his Battle Meditation Stance, and taking a moment to removed from prolonged use, the engines of the Ominus fired up and moving through the debris and other cover made his way to her command ship. Still cloaked and heading for the hanger.