[hider=Dominic Graves] [CENTER][I]Character Theme –[/I][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbsjY4vfbcg]Flashing Lights[/url] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://www.filmacizle.com/uploads/film/2015/03/misafir-263.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://blog.dinoray.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/the_guest.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://38.media.tumblr.com/2fa8cbc856670dc3ba857c76783b96d5/tumblr_n7s6yzOpww1so3dl0o5_500.gif[/IMG] Standing at six foot one and weighing in at a lean about 200lbs, Dom is a cardio machine. Although not meaty, his body is nearly all muscle as he holds an extremely strict diet and works out for several hours every day. With dirty blonde hair and icy blue eyes, many would consider him a pretty boy but if they actually knew the man, that opinion would change no doubt. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Full Name[/U]】 [I]Dominic Graves[/I] 【[U]Nick-name?[/U]】 [I]Dom[/I] 【[U]Gender[/U]】 [I]Male[/I] 【[U]Age[/U]】 [I]28[/I] 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 [I]Bisexual[/I] 【[U]Birth Place[/U]】 [I]Inverness, Scotland[/I] 【[U]Club Status[/U]】 [I]First X - Sergeant at Arms[/I] 【[U]Profession[/U]】 [I]Farmhand[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Personality[/U]】 [I]Dominic is a unique individual. He appears to be of sound mind and strong spirit. Like most who lose parents in their youth, Dom has abandonment issues. He rarely makes long-lasting relationships with men or women and he is ok with that. He maintains no friendships from before his parents’ death and only the most irregular contact with friends from his late teens. Dom is not nostalgic, but lives firmly in the present. He has only vague notions or thoughts about old age and retirement, which he does not seem to think he will live to see. He enjoys pushing himself to the limit, both mentally and physically. His stress levels actually drop when the stakes are higher. He is prone to boredom and mild depression when not challenged. Dom can act comfortably in many situations, but does not seek out companionship except, most notably, for sexual recreation. His calculated and near robotic nature have left many with the notion that he is made from stone, cold and unfeeling. Dom is goal-oriented, but he often seeks these goals in an indirect and secretive way. He has kept many areas of his life meticulously compartmentalized, never allowing the emotional issues from the loss of his family or from relationships to intrude on his professional life. Dominic seems to have an emotional and mental need for multiple layers of reality. He thrives when not revealing all of himself, carefully organizing the aspects of his personality he reveals to others. Thushe is excellent at burying information he does not wish to reveal, making him a very good security risk if questioned under almost any circumstance. Extremely solitary, he does not console himself by surrounding himself with others. His athletic pursuits tend to be solitary: running, skiing, hiking, swimming, diving, and climbing. Most importantly, Dominic is deeply loyal to institutions. After his parents' death, he embraced his British and Scottish roots. His concept of his nationality is a large part of his identity. This is reflected in some of his social attitudes, which seem to embrace a British identity of the not too distant past. When pressed, Dom seems to identify with the notion of helping to "protect the realm", or "serving the monarch" and the ideals embodied in the mythic notion of St. George. Doms philosophy seems to be based on the ancient samurai ideals of immediacy, such as considering oneself as dead and the idea of death as being an awakening from a dream, which are both elements of bushidō [/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]History[/U]】 [I]Dominic Graves was born in Inverness, Scotland. Raised in the countryside on a farm; Dom’s early life was very simple. His life was a routine of early mornings, feed the animals, milk the cows, tend to what needed tended to, head into town to sell what they could and then back home in time for supper. It was a quiet life many would crave. This relatively tough early life instilled in him the drive and determination many of his generation lack. This isolated upbringing also stunted Dom’s inter-personal growth. The absence of friends around him meant that his social interactions left something to be desired. He desperately struggled to form any lasting bonds with anyone so he found solace in music, often just sitting with his headphones on rather than talk to people. Although Dom did attend public school in the city, he still struggled to fit in. After a while he began to enjoy the solitude and began to pursue solitary pass times like swimming, climbing and he eventually graduated to mountaineering, often going off on long trips with his father to traverse the harshest mountains the UK had to offer. The two had plans to traverse Everest together one day but sadly, this dream was cut short when Doms father died in a climbing accident. A short time after, his mother commited suicide and young Dom moved to Great Yarmouth to live with his grandparents. After graduating from the local school at the age of 17, Dom began attending the Britannia Royal Naval College. While there, he excelled in all areas of training. He matriculated from his coursework at BRNC with passable marks. However, whilst excelling at athletic competitions, strategic operations, and counter-intelligence courses, his unconventional approach to his education, his diffident attitude to some of his superiors, and a lack of respect for curfew drew him many demerits. In his later teens, he lost both of his grandparents in the span of a few months.Upon leaving BRNC, Dominic joined the army and my a queer turn of fates hand, he wound up in a regiment with a fellow man from Great Yarmouth, Matthew McFarlane. The two men bonded over a few shared loves and became generally good friends. Within there unit, Dom became well known for his ice cold precision in the field of battle. A notorious sniper even to the enemy, the Scotsman had no qualms with killing men, women or children if it meant "protecting her majesty and the realm". A bar fight resulted in a few of the boys bding locked up and Matthew being discharged. Dominic on the other hand was left in solitary as his mental state came into question. After a psychological evaluation, Dom was deemed unfit for service and discharged. Lost without an institution to rely on, he retreate to his lonesome pursuits in the mountains. Eventually finding some form of clarity in the cold Scottish countryside, he returned to Great Yarmouth and began working on a farm. Reconnecting with Matt and meeting Hector for the first time, Dom felt a kindship and a loyalty that he could not explain. Soon enough he would join them on their rides on his own Harley and he became a fouding member of the Yare Raiders. Once again Dominic through the Raiders had found a new way to "serve the monarch" by riding and being a free man. Life could not be better.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Skills and Abilities[/U]】 [I]- Rider/Mechanic - Like all members of the Raiders, Dom is a talented motorcycle rider and has enough skill to maintain said bike in top condition. - Gunman - Dom is probably one of the better gunmen in the Raiders as he has been properly trainined in their use since he was a boy on the farm. His sniping ability and marksmanship is outstanding. - Hand to Hand Combatant - Dom has been trained in Close Quarters Combat since he was a teenager. He does have a tendency in a fight to go for a submission and breaking bones. - Survivalist - Dom is an avid outdoorsman so he has a wealth of knowledge in survival techniques, some plant and animal life and even weather patterns[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Equipment[/U]】 [I][u]Clothing[/u] Doms typical attire is very basic, dirty dark blue jeans, black boots and a flannel shirt with a dark t-shirt underneath. He always wears a watch on his left hand and a necklace with a ring around his neck.His leather jacket has the First X, Sergeant at Arms Patch, a gun pin to symbolize his military service, on his left arm there are two patches, a Scottish flag and the British flag beneath it, [u]Bike[/u] Dom rides a 2007 Harley Davidson Night Rod -Black with Blue Trim[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Opinions[/U]】 [I][u]Club Direction[/u] Dominic is a soldier and like any good soldier, he is there to follow orders. He does not have any preference to the direction of the club as his loyalty is to the club not the president. That said, his past affiliation with Axe has left him with a slightly biased view. [u]Other Members[/u] Axe - "Dom as the utmost respect for Axe or Matt as he would call him in private. Having fought along side him for many years there is a trust there but like everyone else, Axe really knows nothing about Dominic and he would like to keep it that way" Katya - "Loyalty is one of the most important things to Dom and if he was to say which member of the club ebodied it most, Katya would be his choice. She is a survivor, the perfect type of person to have around" Emer - She is strong, fierce and capable but if any Raider was a flight risk or had the potential for treachery it would be her. Eyes are wide ipen for that one"[/I] [/center] [/hider]