Name: Conner Davis Age: 18 Occupation: He worked at Perkins, give him a break the kid's life was just starting out. Nationality: American [hider=Appearance:] [img][/img] He's Korean, duh. Conner left his home ironically wearing a shirt that was all black and in white letters read "Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you." This shirt meant a lot to him considering he's always been a happy person he encouraged people to look at the big picture rather that themselves first. [/hider] Place of Residence: New York City, I know the exact Perkins he should work at. I was there once. Strengths: Conner was very good at hunting always going bear and deer hunting with his dad as a father son bonding thing, he's also very good with a hunting bow. Smooth talker, he was one who was loved by his school for the reason that he can talk circles around anyone, make them feel important or make them feel like a piece of dirt. Weaknesses: He's a bit overtalkitive at times which could get you into a bind in these types of situations. At this point in time he's a bit overwhelmed by the walkers. Along with the fact that he isn't really a big guy, he's not built for strength. Belongings: He keeps with him his bowie knife and his hunting bow (crossbow) along with a small bag with a water bottle in it, that's about it. Personality: Conner is a nice guy, being talkative he loves having conversations and is not known for judging anyone on appearance. He feels everyone has a purpose and they just have to find it and be okay with it. He attempts to get along with everyone and hopes they all like him back being a bit insecure on that part. The things he hates include, people who are just downers, open mouth chewers, and mouth breathers. He is also a very touchy person having liked hugs and snuggling with his friends. It's nice you know? Other: He's gay, just so you know and also he calls his knife his David Bowie Knife.