Above him a ceiling fan hung, gently slicing wafers of air and dropping them down lazily to Nikola, all the windows were open, facing out to the canyon wall opposite, giving him a red, jagged vista. Nikola's office was tastefully furnished, a perk of being a clerk as opposed to a floor worker or an average white collar, his desk was oak, sturdy and large and littered with papers; a bristling in-out tray sat to his left, so well and truly crammed with papers, that people just started to put paperwork on the floor in unorganized piles. '[color=khaki][i]piles that I have to sift through[/i][/color]' he thought frustratedly to himself as he dabbed his sweaty forehead with the back of his loosened tie. It was a warm day, everyday was a warm day, but today was unusually hot, when he entered the office that morning he had discarded his jacket onto one of the leather chairs that sat in the middle of the room, and went straight for his water pitcher, draining it quickly, normally he wouldn't let the heat get to him but there was no merciful, cooling breeze so the air was still and... '[color=khaki][i]hot[/i][/color]' Nikola stood up and went to the window, running his fingers through his drenched brown hair, he leaned out to try and catch a gust of air but instead was seared by the sun, reluctantly he reached to his left where a circular switch was mounted to the wall, he didn't need to look, he knew where it was, he turned it as far as it would go and the fan on the ceiling went faster. That would come out of his pay, '[color=khaki][i]Damn sun[/i][/color]' he thought to himself, as he crossed to the opposite side of the rectangular room and started to close the windows. He pulled in each one and latched it shut, until finally he came to the last one that was to the left of his desk; as he leaned out to grab the handles, he heard a whir that he didn't hear before, most likely due to his fan, Nikola looked around before spotting the source of the noise. An airship came gliding down from the mouth of the canyon, it's engines humming a deep, staccato tune as it passed above his office. Nikola leaned his body out the window and looked at the under-belly of the flying ship, impressed by its size and elegance and its elegance for its size. Just then, one of the junior clerks knocked on the frosted glass window in his door. "[color=khaki]Come in![/color]" he called out absentmindedly from half way out the window. As Nikola climbed back in, the junior clerk opened the door and stood within the doorway, half in and half out, He was a stout, broad shouldered boy, with a head of red hair. "[color=khaki]May I ask how I can help you, Sam?[/color]" he queried. "I'm not in need of any help Mr. Vanderbilt, sir. We was just wondering if you've seen that massive ship that just went by, it's caused a stir amongst the other Juniors." Nikola regarded Sam levelly, his mind somewhere between being bemused at their excitement and a tad annoyed that they allowed themselves to be distracted, though he really shouldn't have been talking, as between the heat and ship, he too was not concentrating on his work. "[color=khaki]Yes, Samual, I saw the ship in question and no, I'm not sure why it's here and I don't endeavor to find out unless it's here for salt. Now you go get back to your work, so I can get back to mine.[/color] Nikola shut the last window and latched it shut, the sound of the distancing airship being prevailed over by the fan, Nikola turned back to the door to see Sam still there, "[color=khaki]Go on now, are you going to stand there like a log all day or are you going to get some work done?[/color]" He followed Sam out into the main work space, where there were rows of desks and typewriters, and irksomly empty chairs, "[color=khaki]Come on people! Remember that you're payed on commission![/color] the throng at the window quickly jumbled back into their seats at the reminder that they were there to earn money, Nikola looked at them one more time before becoming satisfied that they would continue working, he turned around and returned to his office. As he sat back down onto his seat, he pulled open one of the drawers and produced a black ledger, flicking to the next blank page and past hundreds of full ones, he quickly jotted down the date and a note to himself, '[color=khaki][i]Find out about that ship that's got everyone so buzzed.[/i][/color]' Nikola tried to keep the ship out of his head after that, but soon it became too hard to, it had derailed his train of thought and it annoyed him that he couldn't get back to work. He use to fly, years ago, seeing a ship that large and beautiful made him remember just how much he wanted to get back out there. Nikola looked down at his work and huffed, between it and his rampant thoughts, he was going to have a long day ahead of him.