Liona closed her eyes, waiting silently as three remaining destroyers did their best to return fire, but were completely outgunned by the Venators. She could sense something dark approaching, quickly. Too quick to be one of the capitol ships, but she couldn't quite figure out where it was or where it was headed, just that the general aura of the Dark Side was coming closer. "Finish those frigates as quickly as possible and form up with the main fleet." She ordered, watching as the ships began to twist into a different formation. She turned and left the bridge, heading into the halls and lifts of the ship making her way through it. Outside, the ships let their undersides show to the frigates for only a moment, as beams shot out, connecting the Venators and Frigates for what seemed like a split second. The frigates immediately began to explode, their shields faltering as flames shot out in different directions, quelled quickly by the vacuum of space. The frigates were taken care of quickly indeed. It was a one shot deal for the battle, but Liona had ordered 'as quickly as possible'. And that was as quickly as possible... The fighters and bombers returned to the ships, forming up with them as escort as the ship began moving around the main fleet.