[quote=Byrd Man] So, for political alignment I would say Wernher's candidate is kind of a moderate conservative with a little libertarian streak, just my take on it, where would everyone else want their political alignment's ally? Presumably a conservative president will have a conservative cabinet, and at least one legislative body will be led by the conservatives. [/quote] Ironically, in real life I am a pro-big government communist leaning faggotron, but I think this kind of person would have been funny to RP. Background wise I imagined the man to be a big name in Intelligence, the kind that's CIA from father to son since it has been founded, so has a great reputation as an intelligent and knowledgeable man regarding international matter as well as understanding of the military, but civilian administration seen with some distrust since he's the kind of guy that likes to keep his involvement as absolute as possible and do without congress or Senate as much as possible, things like using executive orders abusively or try to move a cargo boat of a mega-bill so huge it contains many loopholes and way to interpret a million things differently as to give him a lot of room by using the vagueness of the law. Popular since his things 'Seem to work', but with crippling controversies on things like the NSA or homeland security. I'd say: +Economy: Actually manages to get his bet of making a surplus, although a lot of it would have to do with rising global economy as well. +Foreign Policy: The US stop getting in wars and be the world police while maintaining a presence in NATO. +Security: Probably 1 highly publicized 'Good job' of intelligence showing his policies are working. -Welfare: If you want to be on welfare join the army policy making unhappiness among the poorest who were used to higher entitlement. -Secret Services Black Hole: Something like 200% increase in 'Confidential budgets' about top secret projects which cannot be debated into congress as well as unwillingness to discuss about things like the NSA and PRISM. -CONTRA-like scandal: The CIA restarting to topple small governments again, maybe something in Venezuela? Many other things I'd develop on later. [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/342/6/5/modern_combat_4_usi_d_by_leopardsnow-d5nb787.jpg]His Face[/url]