A distress signal was sent out to all republic ships immediately once the Sith was spotted in the hangar aboard Liona's flagship Venator. The message was an SOS alerting all Republic ships that Liona's ship had been boarded by a Sith. It had been sent without Liona's command, however, as she wouldn't have cared to send such a message. Within the hangar, clone troppers and pilots scattered as the ship entered the hangar, getting behind the cover of the hangar bay shields on either side. Safe from the guns and the Droidekas, the clones just waited, weapons ready, though shots could not be fired from either side. The Droids could not hit the clones, but the clones could not hit the droids either, the shields blocking shots from both directions. Still, they were safe... for the time being. A large pair of double doors hissed open not long after the ship landed, and Liona walked out fairly casually. She raised her hands and threw them to either side, sending the Droids flying into pillars, crushing components and essentially destroying them. "There is no need for such toys here. If you come seeking Jedi, you will find what you seek."