"Alrighty." Jimmy said nodding at his two partners in a desperate attempt to draw all the fire they could so everyone else could bring down whatever nasty surprises would be waiting for anyone dumb enough to enter the building while the wards were active. "There's no time like the present right, except the past of course if you like looking at things with a smudge of nostalgia over the lenses, so let's bring the noise." He made a face the kind one makes after sucking on a lime covered in salt and spicy peppers for the first time. "God that sounded terrible." He shook his head. "Remind me never to say something like that again. Please!" Once outside it was hard to mistake the feeling of eyes, lots of them, staring down from everywhere like a bunch of birds waiting for the old lady in the house to throw out their morning bread. "IF this isn't a trap." He muttered under his breath. "Then I'm not only a monkey's uncle, I'm also a Gorilla's niece and the father in law of a couple of penguins who got confused and married ostrich." It was tempting to open his wizard's sight again and get an exact count of how many of the reds were looking at them, or other things, but once was enough for a day. "Come on." He said, deciding to ignore the threats until they were jumping out of the windows and rushing towards them from every angle. He stopped in front of the building, and pulled out his staff as Jade got her sword ready, and watched the other one's hand hover over his staff like a gunslinger. "Okay, everyone ready?" He said, and then raised a hand towards a mailbox, or mail can, or whatever the big things were called, in front of the building. "I'll take that as a yes." He snapped his fingers and said "Inanis." There was a whoosh of sound as an empty space was created and then this thunderous, oddly muffled bang as the mail box, and everything around it in a twenty feet circle got smashed inwards, leaving a two feet deep crate, and a whole bunch of stuff compressed in the center. There was a moment of silence where Jimmy worried that the reds hadn't heard that, but the fear was quickly but aside by the bellows of rage that rang out from all around them. "Oh that was close." He said, grabbing the staff from his back. "Was worried for a second there we'd need another wanton display of destruction of public property to get them interested." He looked up and frowned as dozens of red poured out of the windows above them.