Even with the bindings around her eyes, Syleste's expression was familiar when she heard of his father. It was a raising of the eyebrows, a slackening of the jaw in surprise, and a bit of admiration when they heard that Jupiter had sired him. Grif seemed to have a reaction, although shock and awe were not among them. Instead, the man seemed almost intrigued and curious as to what might happen now that Logan had arrived. What these thoughts were, Logan could not begin to guess. His presence seemed to inspire a bit of speculation from the older demigod. Logan took it in stride, especially since he was a newcomer. Not wanting to make a bad impression, he deliberately stilled his body as Syleste used his arm as a guide to grasp his hand in a demure shake. He returned the gesture with care, not wanting to harm the girl by accident. Her touch and skin were soft, her features fine. The girl seemed nervous or.. coy? The blush to her cheeks was noticeable to the boy and he felt his face grow hot as well, but lacked a flush. "Thank you Syleste, it means a lot to hear such a warm welcome and the same to you. I've been very curious about the Greek camp for a long time and felt that I was overdue for a healthy dose of change. Although why would I mind if you came along for the tour? I say the more the merrier." He grinned broadly, knowing that the girl would hear the smile in his voice as surely as another might see it. "And I have to say, your camp and valley are simply beautiful. This Fleece must make even dead of trees sprout back to life." Utterly in the dark, he had no idea of Erin's displeasure at being made the tour guide. He had assumed that they both were to show him the grounds as guides. Being no fool, Erin's look of distaste of her duty left nothing to the imagination. Logan appreciated this honesty of expression, knowing where her motivations lay. It seemed the two girls were very different people, but Erin's protective demeanor over the girl spoke of a deep bond. It was expressed by a faint lean towards each other, as if being together had become a regular occurrence. Two people together for such a long time, it was a natural thing that it had become a pattern of behavior. Feeling the strap of his bag slipping, a quick tug and bounce of the item allowed him to pull their supports taught once more. A series of metallic clinking and clanking resounded. It seemed the padding had not been sufficient, for the boy hated sounding like a church bell while traveling. He extended a hand towards Erin as well. "My cousin? Who is your father, if you don't mind me asking?" His smiled had not faltered. Feeling sincerely grateful, it seemed a bit of the weight had been taken off his shoulders. He hadn't noticed just how heavy his burdens were until Syleste had made the day brighter. "Erin, it's good to meet you."