[center][color=black][b][h1]Shade[/h1] [h3]Aspect:[/h3]Evil, corruption, and darkness. [h3]Personality:[/h3]Shade is a being of shadow the is said to have existed in the darkness that was the universe before the gods appeared and began to fill the darkness. As tried to create their world, Shade delighted in twisting their creations into corrupted versions of what they once were and poisoning the minds of the gods with falsehoods to cause infighting between them. But the 1 thing he delights in more than anything is destroying all of creation and plunging the universe back into the darkness that once was. However, Shade makes it a point to keep to the shadows and not allow the other gods to know that he exists. He does this so that the other gods would never see him as a common enemy and set aside their differences to stamp him out. [h3]Avatar:[/h3][img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-pc9QMF7yqUw/UUi2Hn4eClI/AAAAAAAAAds/zlZS-XYJuOc/w800-h800/47198.jpg[/img][/b][/color][/center]