[@Oblivion666] It wasn't even late in the morning and Fuyu was already yelling like the damn berserker that she is. Zheng rubbed his eyes and yawned as he stepped out of bed, his long hair usually braided into a ponytail was tussled in ways that even some strands of hair defied gravity. Even the sun didn't seem to be fully awake yet! Well, he couldn't sleep too long since he had work to do. If there was an upside to Fuyu being louder than a howler monkey it was that she made an amazing alarm clock. Now only if she could just quiet down like one it would be perfect. He took a quick shower and threw on his uniform, a sleeveless black kosode that hug his body so that his clothes didn't hinder him, lose black sacks, black Chinese shoes with white socks, and a red sash tied around his waist. He walked over to a wall that had numerous marks and numbers indicating height. Zheng pressed his back against the wall and just above his head he etched a dash with a sharpie. With hope he turned around to look at his progress only to glare at it with disappointment. He hadn't grown an inch! [color=f26522]"Dammit, come one growth spurt. Do me a solid!"[/color] A sigh escaped his lips and he walked over to his fridge, pulling out a carton of a gallon of milk and proceeded to chug the contents of it. If he kept drinking it then maybe his body will start to grow? Hopefully it would. He ate a breakfast consisting of sunny side up eggs onto of rice with soy sauce on top of it. It was one of his favorite things to eat for breakfast and it was easy to make. He was out of his room and walked along the barracks, yawning slightly as he still felt a bit sleepy. It was a little awkward being the youngest person in the squad while also being the third highest ranked as well. In actuality he wished there were more people his age in the seireitei that he could hang around with. Everyone else was either super old like Grandma, always angry like Fuyu, strange like Kazu, or in general were much older than him. He could go visit Fuyu, but why would he? All she would do is bite his head off like she always did. If it wasn't one thing then it was simply another that pissed her off. Oh what the hell? He may as well play nice with her. If he knew the situation as well as he did she was in Grandma's office doing paperwork that she left for Fuyu to do. And he was right. She was sitting on Grandma's desk with splinters of wood scattered along the floor. [color=f26522]"Uh, good morning...I guess Grandma is out on her morning walk again?"[/color]