[b][u]Sangue Naga - Grimm Studies[/u][/b] After departing from her teammates, Sangue found herself droning away in her Grimm Studies class. At least, she thought she would. For Professor Port decided to go ham by taking them to a pool containing an underwater Grimm creature. Apparently, it was dangerous enough for Port to tell the classmates to group up and take it on afterwards. A plan...? She would think about one once she fully prepared herself. The red-haired woman looked down at her robes. It would definitely get in the way within water. "I," she began, but she quickly silenced herself. Turning around, she headed over to the locker rooms and undressed. As a Huntress whose only goal was to be prepared to face threats that could end anyone's life, she did not mind being unfashionable. All she needed was her blade and her claw. The woman checked to make sure her clothes underneath her robes were sufficient for the lesson and left the locker room. She donned a sarashi over her chest, a sufficiently-long white cloth wrapped over the disgusting bridge between her shoulder and her claw's mechanism. The red-haired woman also wore a short white hakama. With a scabbard for her katana wrapped around her waist, the warrior walked to the pool. She remained silent as she stood still, wondering if she could simply assist a team from the sidelines.