[IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/2e66dlt.jpg[/IMG] [color=FFA07A][b]Name:[/b][/color] Robyn Summers [color=FFA07A][b]Age:[/b][/color] 20 [color=FFA07A][b]Powers:[/b][/color] To explain Robyn's power, one must first explain her appearance. The picture used above for her appearance is literal. She looks human, with no remarkable features other than her very bright eyes and freckles, but she is literally a walking scribble. She looks like a drawing, constantly flickering as if animated frame-by-frame. The sketch shown above is her actual appearance, with the texture of old paper and no color whatsoever. Other than this, she works like a regular human being. Her powers are deeply tied to this strange appearance. She is able to conjure up any object to her imagination as if it was scetched into existance like herself. If she was to conjure a sword, it would have the same features, texture and static flickering of the lines like herself. It would work just like a regular sword, but would share her weakness: water. When splashed with water, it works just like a wound to a regular person would do when he or she is injured. A water gun has virtually the exact same effect to her as a regular gun has to regular people. When moistened, the exposed bodypart cannot be used until it has dried up, literally. Needless to say, Robyn would never survive in the water of a lake, or submerged in any way. Contact to water is lethal to her in large doses. The extent of her abilities stops at objects. She cannot create life, and she cannot create, say, a tank to obliterate an entire building. None the less, her power can be devestating. When an object has expended it's use, she unsummons it and it simply vanishes from existance. The clothes she wear are of her own making. She conjure them into existance. She can still feel, think and do everything a regular human being can. [color=FFA07A][b]Weapons:[/b][/color] She wields no ordinary weapons, but can choose to conjure one at will. [color=FFA07A][b]Bio:[/b][/color] Before Robyn's 13th birthday, she was an ordinary girl. Happy at life, in a happy family. A conservative, christian family. Her upbringing wasn't special in any way, but she had a good life with few troubles and all the bliss of a child. When she turned 10, she began having nightmares about drowning and as such developed a fear of water. She never swam in lakes, pools or even bathed in bathtubs. Showering was fine, but she did so only briefly, for she was uncomfortable when exposed to water for too long. The nightmares continued and grew worse into her 11th and 12th birthday. They became so bad, her parents had to contact a child psychologist to attempt to solve these issues. The nightmares had began to dislodge her from her life, creating a gap between her and other people. She lost friends, retreated to her room whenever able and rarely sought contact with other people. She barely drank a glass of water a day, which worried her parents greatly. When alone in her room, she was in her own world of her own creation. She drew, scribbled and scetched on endless amounts of papers taped up on the walls. She had an immense imagination and her creativity was astounding. Finally, her powers manifested themselves when she turned 13. She woke up screaming one night, clawing at her skin, scratching and kicking anyone who came close. Her skin began flickering brownish white, and her features became outlined and gray. Within minutes, her new appearance had completely taken over and she was now a living, walking drawing. At least that's how she would explain it herself. Her parents were horrified, locked her in her room and called their church. They needed the comfort of their faith, and who could blame them? Robyn certainly didn't. She had stopped screaming after a while and began to inspect her new appearance. It didn't itch anymore, it didn't hurt. It almost fascinated her. Hours later, after being locked in her room the entire night looking out her window, her parents managed to get a hold of an exorcist, believing their daughter had been possessed. Two more years were spent with Robyn being locked away from society by her parents, the only other contact she had with the outside world was her window and the priest that would visit every once in a while. She had begun to understand her transformation, but her parents had not. They feared their daughter had been lost to the devil, as their faith and holy bible was the only way for them to explain to themselves what had happened. Eventually, Robyn grew tired of shutting herself away from society, being treated like a monster by her parents. She ran away from home at the age of 16, and managed to stay out of trouble and remarkably the public's eyes for years. Finally, she was contacted by a mysterious Miss Dawson. There was a place for Robyn in the world, perhaps. Having nowhere else to go, Robyn departed for Miss Dawson's home for the 'Truly Gifted'. [color=FFA07A][b]Dreams/Wishes:[/b][/color] Robyn doesn't have an ultimate goal of some kind. She just wants to be accepted as a human being. She wants to fit in and to find a place where she can belong. She wants to break free of the shackles her parents placed on her and to find her own place in the world. [color=FFA07A][b]Evil, Good, Walking the Line:[/b][/color] Being brought up originally a normal child, Robyn is leaning more to the 'good' side of the spectrum rather than being evil. However the years of shutting herself away from society and everyone else and the destructive relationship to her parents have brought her closer to walking the line. [color=FFA07A][b]Siblings (If Any):[/b][/color] None [color=FFA07A][b]Pets (If Any):[/b][/color] None