Alex gasped a bit as Rika stated to Lady Yuna of Naisha's condition. [color=red]"No! She can't be!"[/color] Alex wailed before moving closer to Naisha, but enough to be out of the way of the two heroes of Spira and gingerly gripped Naisha's hands. [color=red]"She's going to be okay... she has to be... She can't leave... I don't wanna be alone... Nai. Please. Wake up."[/color] Alex pleaded, her blue eyes trembling, threatening to spill tears as realization finally hit her. She was so scared, so terrified of Naisha not waking up again. Just as she made a friend, her very first and bestest friend... would she lose her? Were the Keeper and priests right? Was she bad luck? Did she unintentionally cause this by just being around Naisha?\ Utter panic and distress made wild thoughts cross her mind, but everything froze and Naisha suddenly started coughing. The red headed girl gripped her friend's hands a little tighter. [color=red]"Oh... Nai?! You woke up!"[/color] Alex chirped with a relieved smile. [color=red]"I'm okay.... but... I don't know what happened to you. I was meeting you by the cove by the beach so we can go explore that place you found, but when I found you, you were unconscious.... you.. didn't have any injuries from what I saw but... you wouldn't wake up... and you were cold...."[/color] Alex tried to explain, wanting to know what happened to her friend. Gingerly leaning closer to provide some body heat. [color=orange]"ALEX!!!"[/color] A familiar voice shouted from outside, causing the red head to stiffen, hands tightening a little more as if for comfort but quickly let go. Not wishing to further damage her friend in her current state. Still though, Alex didn't move away, hesitant and unwilling to leave her friend's side. That was until a familiar figure came into the room. A older woman, perhaps in her 40's and wore a black robe with white trimming. Looking a bit like a nun almost. With chocolate brown hair pulled into a neat and professional bun. Instinctively Alex slightly lowered herself from behind someone, trying to keep out of sight but the woman seemed to have easily spotted her. Keeper Loka was always a bit strict and as superstitious as the priests. [color=orange]"Alex, I heard the inappropriate commotion you caused. You about broke Priest Oko's back with your rough barging. And I hear you caused Rika's little girl to be in trouble? I knew this would happen but neither you, Naisha, or Rika listened."[/color] The Keeper scolded. [color=red]"I-I didn't do it! I wouldn't hurt her!"[/color] Alex snapped back, stepping closer now, feeling the hair's on the back of her neck bristling with agitation. [color=orange]"On purpose. Come, best to get back to the orphanage."[/color] Keeper Loka said. [color=red]"But I don't want to!"[/color] Alex growled, stomping her foot childishly. Lady Yuna stepped foreword, tired and exhausted but still bore a gentle expression. [color=plum]"Miss Loka, Alex didn't do anything wrong. She was just scared and panicked. She's far too young to know what to do in this situation. Even we don't really know what to do. You can't expect her to be calm about it."[/color] Yuna said softly. [color=orange]"Even so, she is being too loud and is more than likely to cause harm then good for a child that is ill. It is better for Rika and Naisha if Alex returns to the orphanage for the day. So proper constentration can be worked on for Naisha and so she can get proper rest and recovery... from whatever [I]ill fortune[/I] has befallen her."[/color] Lady Loka said, glaring to Alex who glared back but gave no reply this time. The keeper then grabbed the red head by the arm and started pulling her out. Alex growled a bit, almost tempted to bite but refrained only because she was unsure if the Keeper was correct or not.