[center][b]A Moonlit Hunt[/b][/center] [center][i]"Our world is one filled of secrets. Many secrets. We build ourselves walls to keep the evils that stalk our souls away from those we care for. Except the wall we serve upon is not one of brick and stone, but rather flesh and bone. We are the barrier between our realm and theirs. We walk a path unlit to common eyes. One which shadows even the darkest secrets of that twisted place. To venture to that unholy realm is to bring about your own dismay. Brothers and sisters shall watch over each other, for there are few of you left. If a member of our proud clan falls to them, ensure that they fall by your hand, and not under the will of the beasts which beckons for their soul..." [/i] ~Headmaster Julius in his speech to the new recruits.[/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/VtGPETx.jpg[/img] [b]Knowledge of the Hunt:[/b] [hider=Night Hunters and the Hunt][b]The Hunt:[/b] The hunt takes many forms. It is one of the most primal instincts of both beast and man. It is a tradition both honored and ancients in human history. When someone goes on a hunt, they are at their closest with their inner beast. The Hunt is the standard code that hunters of all forms follow. [b]Night Hunters:[/b] These hunters take many forms, and only serve for one purpose. To protect humanity, and to silence the creatures of the night. They are the cleansing force which keeps the world of man safe from those with twisted, tainted souls. Different hunting groups exist worldwide, most operating in a regional area. [b]Werewolf/Lycan Hunters:[/b] Werewolf Hunters are considered to be the first of the Night Hunters. Hailing from ancient Scandinavia, much of their history has roots in Nordic culture. Silver weapons are their preferred tool for hunting, as the creatures suffer violent reactions to the blessed metal. The bloodlines of ancient hunters is said to posses traces of werewolf blood in them. It is rumored that this gave them an immunity to the scratches and bites of their prey, as well as prolonged life, but the transfusion is said to be very painful with a high chance of death, and highly shunned by many hunter groups. [b]Vampire Hunters:[/b] To hunt Vampires was seen as a very risky profession in the late middle ages. Most vampires held rather noble or courtly positions, and usually the only group that had any real power over them was the church. Thus, the first vampire hunters originated from the church, and carried holy items with them to keep them safe against their foes. It was originally thought that a stake through the heart was enough to slay a vampire, but when similar reports started a week later, they knew that it wasn't. However, they did find that decapitation and fire works quite nicely against the blood sucking fiends. [b]Assorted Hunters and Individuals:[/b] Vampires and Werewolves were not the only night spawn that entered our world, but based on old accounts, they were the most common. There were other creatures however; Demons, wraiths, spirits, and other twisted nightmarish things. Those that hunted them were usually loners or individuals who went on the hunt unaffiliated to the Night Hunters or other organizations. Perhaps the organization didn't have what they needed, or wasn't focusing resources on the things they were, or simply enjoyed going about the hunt their own way. Whatever the reason, these hunters tend to fall through the cracks between the Night Hunters and the beasts.[/hider][/center] [center][b]Night Creatures:[/b] [hider=Lycans][img]http://i.imgur.com/Mxivai9.jpg[/img] [b]The Lycan:[/b] Despite most hunters referring to themselves as "Werewolf Hunters", most actually hunt Lycans. While Werewolves are still a present threat, they're only a true danger during a full moon. Lycans on the other hand can bring forth the beast within them at their own leisure or whenever they feel it is necessary. They possess immense super human strength and regenerative capabilities, and still have their human wits. On top of this they can transform into three different forms: Human, wolf, and a bipedal wolf. Decapitation, immense damage to the spine, or silver tools applied to the heart or the brain are really the only ways to end a Lycan for good. Silver anywhere else in their body yields an allergic reaction and will sicken the Lycan for sometime until the bullet/tool is extracted or pushed out. The general cause of Lycanthropy comes from the bites or scratches of a Lycan. [/hider] [hider=Vampires][b]Vampires:[/b] No one truly knows where the first vampire originated. Some believe it was a sickness that afflicted those who made dealings with darker entities, other believe they came from the other side. What is certain however is that all vampires hunger for blood. Some will lure their victims in with wit and charm, while others fully embrace the monster they have become and take a more savage approach. These Vampires have variation, which depends on the type and strength of the vampire which spreads its curse. Ancient Vampires are apart of a powerful bloodline. They appear far from human now, and are the most twisted and demented looking of these night spawn. Their power is immense, and highly dangerous to most creatures, man or beast. Luckily very few have been encountered over the last two hundred years, but it is suspected that some still exist. Most vampires now come from a new bloodline. While it is not as strong as their ancients, they can still pose as a real danger, and can harness the power of Blood Magic. Blood magic allows vampires to make minor alterations with themselves or their surroundings. For example, being able to detect life through obstacles, better vision in the dark, or charms and invisibility. Much like a Lycan, they possess superhuman strength and regenerative capabilities, but are unable to shapeshift. The common vampire does have one advantage over the ancients though: the ability to walk unharmed in sunlight. They still feel slight discomfort when they are outside during the day though, but it is harmless. Vampirism spreads through bites which differ from feeding. It is more intimate, and generally they intend to transform you. Some new vampires do it by accident, others because they want a new vampire companion.[/hider] [hider=The Other Side] [img]http://i.imgur.com/hk49Fdp.png[/img] [b]The Other Side:[/b]A twisted place. It is said that ancient cults and woodland pagans opened these portals to this dimension through powerful rituals. It is the heart of all things light and dark, but not much else is known about this realm. Few enter, and even less return. [/hider][/center] [hr] [b]Background:[/b] The year is 2015. Night Hunters have fallen into major decline as night spawn began to increase in number. One of the last remaining werewolf hunters of the North American region by the name of [b]William "Captain" Hendrick[/b] has left the Night Hunter's Organization in order to form his own hunting group. In the many years he has traveled, he has seen in some of the afflicted that darkness had not yet tainted their hearts. Perhaps ruined by otherworldly forces, he figured there may be some out there who would support the hunter's cause, or at least put their newly acquired skills to something less harmful to humanity. Maybe even the individual hunters and loners would take interest in this cause. Perhaps you heard of this cause through the many rumors that spread like wildfire through the groups of Night Hunters and Night Creatures. Perhaps the man found you instead, and offered you a chance at redemption, or you believed the rumors that he'd be able to cure you. Whatever the reasons, they were your own, and you set out to find this hunter who dared to ally man and night spawn together. Eventually the signs pointed you towards a small, abandoned fishing village on the coast of Maine. An eerie place, but isolated enough for a gathering of hunters. [b]Character Sheet:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b](A basic description and an optional picture works fine.) [b]Creature:[/b](Human, Lycan, or Vampire) [b]Type of Hunter:[/b](Only Necessary for humans, include gear here. Optional for Vampires and Lycans.) [b]How long have you been hunting/afflicted:[/b](Are you new to hunting or being a Lycan or Vampire? A vampire can go over 100 years, but nothing too ridiculous.) [b]Blood Magic:[/b](Vampire only, you can have one or two types of abilities. These aren't meant to be immensely powerful, but can still aid a Vampire. If you have questions PM me.) [b]Background:[/b](Your past, before you were afflicted or became a hunter. How you became afflicted and other general background information.) [b]Reason for Joining:[/b](Reason for joining the Hunt) [b]Arrived:[/b](Just for information's sake in the RP. Did your character arrive to the abandoned fishing village 3-1 days ago, or are they just arriving.) As always if you have any questions I will be happy to answer them, and my rules are generally pretty standard. I didn't feel the need to type them in the initial post because I have to take care of some things, but I wanted to give you the chance to be able to read this over or think of your characters. I'll get to the rules when I get back, but don't expect anything too dramatic. [hr] [b]Characters as seen in the Character tab:[/b] [@Bluetommy2] as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3042435]Egbert Willet Pitt[/url] [@ByTheSpleen] as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3042726]The Ram[/url] [@Guess Who] as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3042924]Ryan Thompson[/url] [@Kieran] as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3042943]Ivory Hart[/url] [@Zetsuko] as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3043054]Henryk Gaskiyon[/url] [@Spybuster] as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3043101]William Hendrick[/url] [@Yorutenchi] as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3043164]Amelia Black[/url] [@DrowsyPangolin] as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3043553]Ingrid Venn[/url] [@MiddleEarthRoze] as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3043860]Roze Harrison[/url] [@Aristo] as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3044266]Eva Zelenko[/url] [@AcaciaMalikov] as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/86840-a-moonlit-hunt/ooc]"Ace"[/url] [b]Misc Items:[/b] [hider=Village Map][img]http://i.imgur.com/kYGkFvy.png[/img] [b]Key:[/b] White=Abandoned/ empty structures [color=ed1c24]Red=[/color] Bar [color=662d91]Purple=[/color]Town Hall [color=fff79a]Vanilla=[/color]Church [color=f7941d]Orange=[/color]Storage shack [color=7ea7d8]Blue[/color] outline with Light Gray interior= Cemetery [color=9e0b0f]Dark Red=[/color]Occupied building (Currently William's) [color=a0410d]Brown=[/color]Docks and dock house Black outline with [color=8dc73f]Green interior=[/color] Collapsed/ destroyed building A fishing village which appears to have been hastily built sometime in the late 1800s. Most of the wooden structures are damp, or suffering from rot and decay. Several buildings appear scorched or destroyed as well. While the condition of the majority of the town's structures is poor, they still provide decent shelter from the elements. The dirt road past the village boundaries is rough and poorly kept, but is considered a rather short drive from the main road.[/hider]