Aaron sat at the desk, staring blankly out the window. It was almost dark. And it was going to stay that way for a whole month. He didn't mind the dark since he rarely got to go outside anyway. The only thing he detested about it was the extra shifts. Certain residents in the building liked to venture out, and it was Aaron's job to stop that. Almost nodding off, the announcement, played through the speaker that was fixed to the wall in the corner of his room, brought him back to reality. Informing him of the banquet that was to be held on the fourteenth floor, Aaron contemplated whether or not he should attend. Realising he was one of the few police officers in the building, he decided his attendance was pretty much mandatory. Already dressed in his uniform, Aaron retrieved his service pistol from the drawer in his desk and ensured it had a full clip of ammunition and a round already loaded in the chamber. He slid an extra magazine into his duty belt, just to be safe. Some residents were likely to get more drunk than others, and Aaron enjoyed acting the higher power in those situations. Assuming he would need to be briefed on the evening's events upon arrival, Aaron sauntered up the stair case, alone. He wasn't fond of crowds, and hung back to let the initial rush of people go by. He was fairly relaxed tonight. Nothing really went wrong in the building, aside from the occasional drunk, which he would probably have to deal with as he arrived at the fourteenth floor meeting room.