Jack rubbed his temples, it was helping but the metallic voice and flashlight head stairing didn't help. "Naw I'm fine just not used to these yet." He said with a polite smile. First person he seen today that didn't aggrivate him. This was starting off well. Then he watched the robot identify him via his implants and "emotional state". Jack didn't like that. "Hey buddy the polite term is Mechanically Augmented. Engage your politeness-protocall or something." Jack said as he started to lose the after effects of the recalibration. "Oh and call me emotionally instable and I'll shoot your flashlight off." He smirked as he got up and put his leather jacket back on. The damn robot scanned him so Jack did the same. Looking the bot up and down not noticing any manufacturers logos or id tags. "Your either custom or military... no wonder you don't have manners." He looked at whatever hardware wasn't covered in plates. "Your pretty clean. Most would have grit in the filters or caked up oils stuck between gears. Even the most anal of owners forget to wipe down the cracks between rivets or bolts...no your new, activated no less than three... maybe four days ago." Jack raised an eyebrow. His lizard brain was giving off a bad vibe to him. Something was off... "this your bot? You build him?" He gestured towards the woman but kept his eyes on the Robot.