Ves watched as, El Sasquatcho returned to the kitchen wielding a mighty hoarde of [i]'high quality'[/i] Mexican cuisine. She watched her teammates start to chow down, and was about to join in when El Sasquatcho sprinted to the bathroom. She decided it was better to just leave the food be and save her bowels the stress. She heard El Sasquatcho call out for the group to get going. She grinned, her hopes of going had wavered in the middle a bit there, but she was pretty excited to go to her first arcade. She put down the jam smeared knife and moved to her personal quarters. Her room was a bit messy to be honest, but decorations could be made out along the walls. A few band posters here and there and of course, her prized possession hanging up above her bed. A framed picture of Morrissey himself, complete with a signature scrawled along his face. Of course, when she had first bought it she was ecstatic. Her sister, not so much. It wasn't the most legitimate of buys and, Diana was certain that some charlatan on [i]ebay [/i]had written the signatures on himself. Especially since the Ian Brown signature was in the same writing style as Morrisseys. And the same writing style as Ian Durys. And the same writing style as Jarvis Cocker's and so on and so forth. She quickly grabbed her old, outdated cell phone, stuffed it into her back pocket and made for the 'El Camino train'. She practically leapt into the back of the Camino, taking a seat near the hood of the car. The roof made it hard for Ves to sit in any car, and she was extremely grateful that this 'el camino' had an open back. She wrung her hands together, she was quite excited to say the least.