Judgement’s purpose was simple, to carry out his God’s will. Such singleness of purpose was a dangerous force when imbued in heavy armour and equipped with a huge sword of Divine origin. However, even without those things Judgement’s complete devotion to a task would still make him a force to be feared, as his foe was to find to her chagrin. Half swording allowed Judgement to wield his weapon like a spear, and because of this his sword also took on a spear’s advantages. Namely, that the point could be moved at an advanced speed to menace a foe from different angles. It was this that made the spear a weapon that in most cases outclassed the sword. As his point was driven away he quickly re-gained control of the weapon and returned it to menace his foe, but this time she was committed to the attack, and her sword could not hope to outmatch the speed of his own a second time. Her own strike hit home, but to his estimation his own was just as sure a strike, and when he thrust that great blade through her breast it would be a small matter to impale her utterly and tear her asunder, before her own blade could cut into his skin and spill his own blood.