[center][img]https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/2964526?v=3&s=400[/img][/center] The pterodactyl didn't seem too keen on the idea of leaving. Hyperion glanced over at Captain America as he hovered out of a hole in the wall on falcons' wings. It would seem the Captain had finished with his opposition quickly and efficiently; what a good little soldier. [i]Perhaps I'll keep him. He'd make a decent enforcer when I take over the earth.[/i] Zhib-Ran thought. In that brief moment, when Hyperion let his mind wander, he left himself open to attack. Sauron charged forward with unexpected speed and slammed into Hyperion's midsection. The two supers went crashing into the nearby jungle, knocking down trees and scattering foliage as Sauron blitzed his attacker with all he had. "You're stronger than you look." Zhib-Ran commented non-nonchalantly as the two came tumbling to a halt. Hyperion and Sauron both took to the air, floating away from each other. A smug look crossed Zhib's face, while Sauron continued to glare on in silence. "You want a fight, then, reptile?" He asked. "I'll give you a fight. You can even have the first punch." Zhib taunted and tilted his face in such a way that his cheek was left wide open. "I can practically taste the power oozing out of you." Sauron spoke. The creature's voice was dark and gravelly. This caused Agent Milton to raise an eyebrow. "You can speak?" But Sauron didn't care enough to answer Hyperion, and carried on talking. "Solar power. Yes. It's as plain as the beak on my face." Sauron's eyes began to glow, and Hyperion's instinct was to look away; he believed the flying extinct beast was trying to hypnotize him. Then Zhib began to falter. He fell out of the air and onto the dirt and mud below. His arms shook as he pushed himself to his feet. "What's happening to me?" Zhib-Ran questioned, a feeling of panic briefly rising up in his throat before Milton forced it back down. "I'm feeding off your energy." Sauron said simply. Zhib-Ran took one last look at Sauron before turning on his heel and sprinting towards the nearest source of sunlight. He wasn't used to feeling this slow. This weak. Zhib-Ran was Hyperion, champion of the gods! A deity among mortals! Sauron soared over Milton's head, flying in front of Zhib-Ran to block off his path towards the clearing. Hyperion didn't skip a beat as he charged towards the meta-powered dinosaur. Sauron reared his head back to unleash another torrent of flame. Luckily, Milton was still pretty quick on his feet - he managed to reach Sauron before he blasted him, and slid between his scale-covered legs. A quick glance at the creature's talons told Zhib-Ran that he was still in danger, and needed to get moving. Now. The SHIELD agent tucked and rolled forward, bouncing up to his feet and using his previous momentum to continue sprinting forward. By now, Sauron had turned around and was flying head first towards Hyperion's back. He was more than likely planning to bite Zhib's head off in one go. Milton could feet Sauron's talons sink into his shoulders, and he reached his fingers towards the light in one last, desperate attempt at freeing himself. The tip of Zhib-Ran's middle finger bathed in the light of Earth's star for less than a second. But that was all Hyperion needed to catch Sauron off guard. Hyperion slammed the back of his head into the pterodactyl's snout, causing Sauron to reel backwards and release his prey from his grip. Hyperion leaped forward into the clearing, letting his body absorb the rays of the sun. "NO!" Sauron cried in a fit of rage. The pre-historic beast took to the air once more, blasting a stream of fire into Hyperion's chest in an attempt to kill the powerful alien. Hyperion was sent flying by the strength of the attack, landing with a thump on the other side of the clearing. Zhib-Ran floated off his back and into the air. He tore his burnt shirt off, tossing it into a nearby bush. His tie had already been eviscerated in the previous fighting. Hyperion and Sauron's eyes met once last time, before they both flew head on at the other. Beams of heat and waves of napalm covered the jungle as the two powerhouses poured on the heat. Flames spread over the trees and bushes, consuming any organic material in their path. Hyperion used his physical might to keep Sauron knocked off balance. He used his speed to stay away from the flying reptile's sight, avoiding eye contact as much as possible. Milton wouldn't give the creature a chance to drain him again. The battle was taken back into the darkness of the jungle as Hyperion slammed Sauron around like a pinball machine. "Enough, you stupid brute!" Sauron spun around mere moments before Hyperion hit him again, and used his talons to slice Hyperion's face. The Adamantium-like sharpness of the claws was enough to cut Zhib-Ran into ribbons if he wasn't careful. Three long slash marks formed across Hyperion's face, blood leaking out of the wounds. It was then that Hyperion realized he was not yet at full strength. He couldn't have suffered such a grievous wound from any mere mortal at his full power. Hyperion brought a hand up to his face, wiping the blood out of his eyes. "Cant...See.." He muttered. Sauron racked his talons across Hyperion's chest thrice more, before firing off another steady wave of burning napalm into Hyperion's face. The enraged alien backhanded Sauron's face with the full force of his strength, sending his enemy flying. Trees snapped and broke as Sauron's body smashed through the jungle. Hyperion gave chase, though his flight speed was staggered due to the blood in his eyes. Zhib-Ran landed, slamming his boot into Sauron's windpipe. He should kill this...thing. It would be easy. Just fire off his lasers into the thing's eyes, and melt its brain. "P-Please." Sauron sputtered. "Don't." Sauron could tell what Milton was thinking. There was rage in the agent's eyes. "Take me prisoner. Take me back to SHIELD." A smile crossed Hyperion's face. He knew what to do with Sauron. "I am no mere agent of SHIELD," Hyperion began, a look of pure madness growing on his face. "I am called Zhib-Ran, Hyperion of Tok and displaced king of my crime empire. I plan to conquer this planet, and make myself it's king. Your world is the perfect place to launch my new empire. I will conquer this galaxy, and there is no one who can stop me." Hyperion took his boot off of Sauron's throat. The doctor began to crawl backwards, desperate to escape the insanity standing before him. Hyperion grabbed the back of Sauron's head and tossed him back into the dirt. "There will come a time when I call for aid in my conquest. If you answer that call, I will reward you handsomely. Perhaps your own city. Or maybe you want to direct AIM. Whatever you wish, I can fulfill it. But only if you join my regime when the time comes. If you don't, though?" Hyperion leaned down to Sauron, grabbing his beak. "I'll tear you in half." Zhib-Ran let go of the Pterosaur. He turned around and took to the air, looking towards the AIM base. "Leave. And do not return." Sauron took to the sky, and didn't look back. With that done, Hyperion flew off to find Captain America. Perhaps the good captain needed his assistance destroying this facility. --- [center][img]http://hdwpics.com/images/298FB4167183/Hulk-Art.jpg[/img][/center] Kestrel sat up in the pilot's seat, a look of worry on his face. The helicarrier was no longer on their radar. The modified Boeing C-17 was much too fast for the helicarrier to catch and the stealth technology on board would mask them from any sort of electronic tracking. However, that wasn't the problem. The problem was a fume leak in one of the engines. The engineers hadn't seen it before they left the compound, and Kestrel hadn't bothered looking over the engines on his own before they took off. Team X had been in a hurry to get to the Hulk before he moved again. He pressed the intercom button, deciding that he should inform Logan of the issue. Fume trails could be tracked, especially if someone was looking for them. And if Kestrel knew anything about SHIELD, he knew that they were thorough. He didn't doubt that they would find the trail with their advanced instruments. The real question was if they would find the trail before it dissipated. If it dissipated before they looked into that particular method of tracking, SHIELD wouldn't be able to follow for very long. "Hey, Wolverine. Get up here. I need you in the cockpit." Meanwhile, in the back of the plane, Wolverine sat next to a sedated Bruce Banner. The doctor had been placed inside a special containment unit, built from some of the strongest materials available. The containment unit was a large metal box attached to the center of the cargo area, with large panes of (very durable) glass in place for observation purposes. Bruce himself had a pair of magnetized cuffs attached to his hands. The cuffs were made in such a way that they could alter their size to fit either form of Banner, and contained traces of Wakandian Vibranium so as to keep the Hulk from escaping using sheer brute force. Whenever Bruce needed to be contained, the cuffs would activate and the powerful magnets within the cuffs would pull the Hulk to the largest piece of metal nearby. The cuffs could even be put in an 'overdrive' mode that would pull the Hulk towards the Earth's core. The cuffs were worth billions of dollars. But money was no object to Romulus and his organization. "D-Don't do this." Wolverine immediately stood to his feet, his claws extended. "He's wakin' up!" He warned. Maverick pressed a combination into a number pad located on the side of the containment unit, and the IV attached to Bruce's arm flooded him with extra sedative. "You c-can't c-control the Hulk... It's t-too much p-power..." Wolverine looked the doctor in the eye, melancholy beneath his mask. "I know, Bub. I know." It was then that Kestrel called Wolverine to the cockpit and he turned away from Bruce and made his way to the front of the plane. "What's goin' on?" Logan asked. He pulled his mask down, ruffling his own hair. "We're leaking fumes." Kestrel responded. "Anybody on radar?" Wolverine had a buddy in the air force during Vietnam. He knew a bit about planes. "No, but that doesn't mean we aren't being followed. If SHIELD picked up the trail less than twenty minutes ago, then they could follow us out of range of radar. Or maybe their craft is using some kind of experimental stealth technology we haven't run into before. Something like ours." Logan thought about it for a moment. "How far are we from Weapon X?" Kestrel double-checked at his instruments before responding. "We've been in the air for about six hours. 'Bout half way there, if I kick it into high gear." Logan did a double take at that. "Planes aren't that fast." Kestrel smiled at that. "Most planes. But we modified this baby ourselves with the best stuff available. No government in the world could compete; well, 'cept the U.S. But the Blackbird don't count. Cruise speed is Mach 2.5, but if we wanted we could go up to 4.0. Cruise altitude goes up to 45,000 feet without activating our anti-gravity engines-" Logan interrupted Kestrel. "Wait, we have anti-gravity engines?" Kestrel nodded. "Yup. We also have an energy shield that protects the plane from the increased drag of flying at above the speed of sound, and our own source of oxygen to burn when we fly above 80,000 feet. There are two photon lasers mounted to the bottom of the plane, and we have 21 plasma missiles in case we really need to bring on the heat. We have enough fuel to fly around the world three times without needing to stop, and the most state of the art stealth technology in the possession of humans." Wolverine blinked a few times before he could respond. "Don't sound like much of a plane 'ta me. Sounds more like a UFO." Kestrel shrugged. "That's because we got the tech from aliens. I've been trying to get Doctor Cornelius to modify my baby's appearance, but he won't budge. The C-17 look is less suspicious than a design of our own." "What do you call her?" "Azrael. The Angel of Death." "Heh." Wolverine chuckled. "What?" Kestrel asked, a bit insulted. "Oh, nothin' 'bout your baby. She's a fine craft. Just reminded me o' that clown I killed back at Ypres. Called himself the Angel of Death too; carried some blade called the Muramasa. Stung like a bitch when he stabbed me with it." Logan reminisced, involuntarily moving his hand down to his chest. "Took months to heal those cuts." "Weird." Kestrel responded. Something was off about him. Wolverine could hear his heart rate climbing. Why was he nervous? John was never nervous around Logan. "You okay, bub?" Wolverine asked. John Wraith only nodded. "But yeah. I'm worried SHIELD might be following us." It was Wolverine's turn to nod. "Kick us into high gear. Use them fancy Anti-gravity engines o' yours. When we get back, we'll put the guards on high alert."