[@Lmpkio] People with the ability to teleport to certain locations just by looking at pictures, some jumpers can tail others through their Jumpscars, which are tears through time and space, they can teleport or Jump other things with them as long as the object they are jumping is a moving object or their clothes and small items, they cannot jump thing of large mass ex. A fucking building or a street block due to the mass that the object has. The Jumpscars are rips in the fabric of time and space that can harm people that touch them that aren't jumpers, when another Jumper touches a Jumpscar they can go through it and tail that Jumper, Jumpscars last in the air for several seconds like smoke from a pipe and that lingers in the air, Jumpers can also be pulled back through their Jumpscars with certain weapons, in short terms, Jumpscars are like dangerous wormholes that could actually kill anyone that's not a jumper. The mood of a Jumper also matters when they are Jumping as well, the Jumper needs to calm cool and collected when they jump, if they are feeling depressed, upset, angered, or any other type of mood, they cause damage to the area around them when they Jump. Their ability to Jump to different locations aren't limited, if the Jumper has a picture of the place they want to go they can instantly appear there, but they can also go to old familiar locations as well, they mostly can jump from place to place within eye sight in a quick instance to get around in a fight or to escape. The Jumpers are super vurnerable to Electricty since it disorentes them and keeps them from Jumping, You kinda get it now ?