Had a fun idea for a character. Name: Mara (A.K.A. The Old Hag of the Woods) Age: 415 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/f0a2/f/2010/081/8/a/jade_chan_by_donpapi.jpg[/img] Creature: Human... Ish... Type of Hunter: Witch (Carries a bottomless satchel that she uses to carry her ingredients for making spells.) Although she has access to her satchel, she also has, prepared, a set of scrolls to perform ancient Chinese spells with just a word. These include Fireball Scroll (Launches a fireball), Levitation Scroll (Allows her to levitate herself and things around her), Dawnshine Scroll (Creates a ball of light that radiates solar light) and Needle Scroll (Rapid-fires needles made of silver). Although, her scrolls are powerful, they are only made of paper and can easily be ripped and destroyed. Each scroll is printed using magic ink that requires a 12 hour spell to create, so making more when out and about is impossible. She also has a permanent spell that she calls "Don't Question It" aura, which makes people incapable of questioning why a small child is so knowledgable in the ways of magic. She's just tired of constantly having to explain herself. Of course, the aura only has a limited range, so, people usually only start to question her after she is out of earshot. How long have you been hunting/afflicted: Background: A backstory shrouded in mystery. Although the first thought in anyones head is that she must be a child, the fact is that she only assumes this from due to having a fondness for children. In actuality, she is more than 400 years old. Numerous accounts give varying accounts of her origin, including; The daughter of a priestess and a demon, the daughter of Satan, a being created from magic, an Alien, a Vampire gone wrong, and many, many more. She will never tell, as she finds great amusement in hearing what people say about her. She also has a [url=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_small/10/103617/3695948-shadowkhan-jackie-chan-adventures-12351339-382-778.jpg]Demon Ninja[/url] that does her bidding. Although he is incapable of leaving the confines of her shop, he is also incapable of attacking anyone, unless they threaten Mara. All he does is clean the hut and stare angrily at everyone it meets, as well as offer them tea. He doesn't take no for an answer, as such, if declined, he will continue trying to give the tea to his target until they relent. Don't get him wrong, he despises his job, but he is magically bound to perform it. Reason for Joining: "Shits 'n Giggles" (She is always on the lookout for any magical items that monsters drop. Also, Vampire Fangs and Werewolf Claws are popular ingredients) Arrived: Just arrived.