Crafty was looking the canyon His Goggles reflected of the sun looking like two white spots. He looked over the canyon watching The miners doing there thing like little cogs in a machine. Crafty was never gonna be one of those cogs again. He wish he had a cigarette with him but he had smoked the last one a few days ago, And to make matters worse he was out of goddamn money too. And lets not forget the bounty hunters that where chasing him. All in all This was one of his bad days to be sure. But there was that airship, It looked like the only thing that didn't have any goddamn sand over it. And maybe just maybe he would be lucky enough to get on it. Now the problem was finding the man who owned it. And then the port master walked up to him and said.[color=ed1c24]" A real beauty aint she?"[/color]Crafty grinned and looked at the man. His words sounded as cold as ice when he said.[color=92278f]" Indeed she is, However its about the captain who flies it.Not the ship itself Speaking of wich where can i find him anyway?"[/color]The man pointed at the bar, and then walked away really not wanting to have a conversation with him. He chuckled as he walked over to the bar. He then entered immediately spotting the captain. However since he wanted to know what kind of man he was dealing with he walked over to the bar took and took a seat.