[center][img]http://i.giphy.com/12ffdI8DuUi2RO.gif[/img] [h1][color=aquamarine]Claire Bellerose[/color][/h1] [h2]The Stables, Half Blood Hill~ Camp Half-Blood[/h2] [/center] It would be seen that a young girl was hurrying across the campgrounds, dodging and weaving around the demi-gods that were out and about with an apologetic "Désolée!" here and there after bumping into a few of them, knocking them out of their concentration on whatever performance they had been attending to. Her blonde hair trailed behind her in a flowing stream. Carried on her arm was a small, pale brown tote, the contents of which remained hidden to the seeing eye of anyone watching her. She managed, however, to make it to the stables unscathed and approached one of the stalls, hidden from eye of the Demeter and Aphrodite children who helped out with the horses. A beautiful silver horse lay in wait in the stall, nickering quietly. In the deep shadows of the stall, it rested in one of the corners, it's legs tucked under itself neatly. When it say the blonde haired, blue eyed girl appearing before the stall door, the horse whinnied and clambered up to its feet. Claire held a finger to her lips and shook her head at the beautiful mare. "[color=aquamarine]Cascade, you must be silent,[/color]" she murmured to the creature, stroking her forehead. She stroked her forelocks into a perfect V on her forehead and smiled, patting Cascade's neck. Remember her tote on her side, she reached down into and pulled out an apple, holding it out to Cascade. The glistening apple shined in the dim lighting and Cascade nickered before grabbing the apple out of Claire's hand and eating it with one bite. Claire smiled and shoot her head at the funny little horse before she froze, hearing someone coming. She pressed her lips gently to Cascade's forelocks and hurried off, giggling as she did so. She headed back over to her cabin, nodding and smiling at people as she walked by. She saw her cousin at Half-Blood Hill Syleste and with a deep breath and a shake of her head, she headed over there, curious as to what was going on. A small breeze blew back her hair as she approached. She noticed a young man with red hair there and she tipped her head curiously to the side. Perhaps it was a newcomer. She always did like meeting new people... "[color=aquamarine]Bonjour, mon famille. Mon amies,[/color]" she said politely in French to Erin, Syleste, and Griffin. She turned her head to look at Logan. "[color=aquamarine]And who is this? A newcomer?[/color]" She smiled at him and dipped her head politely. "[color=aquamarine]My name iz Claire Bellerose, daughter of Poseidon and Counselor of Cabin Three here.[/color]" Her voice had a noticeable French accent to it and she mentally growled at herself. She had been working on her American accent, why hadn't she tried it? Of course, that Ares' son never tried to hide his Aussie accent... "[color=aquamarine]Erin, if you would like me to take over,[/color]" Claire stated, looking at her cousin, who had a frown permanently etched into her face at the moment, "[color=aquamarine]I shall. It would be no problem at all... I do not exactly have much to do today.[/color]" Claire let out a light laugh and smiled toward the newcomer.