[center][img]http://i.giphy.com/zhPmdlOskUMy4.gif[/img][h1][color=firebrick]Gideon Carlyle[/color][/h1][h2]The Training Grounds, The Camp Armory, Half-Blood Hill ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h2][/center] The sword swung in his grip wit ease and he smirked, twisting the rubberized hilt around in his hand. The clanging of swords could be heard all over the grounds and the son of Ares' stared down his opponent, one of his counterparts from Athena. He rolled his eyes and shook his head as the boy swung and missed him, yet again. "[color=firebrick]No, no, no, mate,[/color]" Gideon said, stabbing his sword into the ground. He walked over to the young guy, who was only about three years younger, and fixed his grip on the sword. "[color=firebrick]Two hands. Before you can master one hand, you have to get through two. And who knows? You might find the two handed grip better than the one handed.[/color]" Mentally, Gideon snorted. Nothing could beat the one handed grip, especially if one knew how to use it, which Gideon did. That is why he had the pair of katanas that he always had strapped across his back. "[color=firebrick]Now. Go again.[/color]" The Athena son swung at him again and Gideon, moving within a flash, yanked his sword up from the ground and deflected it. "[color=firebrick]Better, but not good enough. Watch.[/color]" Twisting his blade, Gideon was able to disarm the poor fellow within only a few moments after his swing. Clicking his tongue in his mouth, Gideon shook his head at the boy, whose head fell in shame afterwards. "[color=firebrick]Keep practicing. I'm sure you'll get it at some point. For right now, I need to find a more worthy opponent.[/color]" The boy nodded as Gideon walked off, taking with him his sword. He tossed the camp sword into a pile and drew his katanas off his back. He needed to practice with them anyways, so why not start now, right? Taking a deep breath through his nose, he shut his eyes, listening to his surroundings. He could hear the clanging of the other swords nearby, but he needed to get passed further than that. He took another deep breath and he could hear the rustling of the horses in the stables, and the sound of voices coming from the Hill. He then eliminated those sounds and just focused on what was in front of him. Taking a double swing first, Gideon spun, pulling apart his blades as he twisted them around in his hand, fighting an imaginary opponent with a shield. He took stabbed both blades of his swords into the ground and pushed him, forcing himself into the air. He flipped through the air, yanking the swords out as he spun, and he knocked the shield off the imaginary opponent. He dodged under a swing and swung his blades down, cutting off the head of his opponent. Gideon took a deep breath and opened his eyes once more, looking around. The son of Athena he had been working with stared at him with awe and Gideon smirked. He dipped his head to the child before lifting up his swords to examine them. As per usual, nothing seemed wrong with them. They would not be easily broken, as they were made out of diamond with a steel coating. But they did look like they could use a buffer. He shoved both back into their sheathes on his back, nodded again to the boy, and walked off, heading toward the camp armory. He walked into the armory, rubbing the back of his neck casually. He walked over to one of the closer walls and grabbed a towel off a hook that hung there. Leaning up against a nearby table, he saw that there was a few other campers in there, looking through the weapons. They probably were practicing, or choosing a weapon. Though most of the campers here already had their weapons chosen. Gideon just shook his head as a smaller kid picked up a huge broadsword and nearly toppled over backwards. If it hadn't been for her friends, she would've biffed it and probably lost an appendage to the sword. Gideon began rubbing down his swords, letting his mind wander for a bit, which it happened to wander to Ky'vie. She was supposed to come back from her quest today, and hopefully she was ready to work, because he needed some repairs on a few of the weapons he had broken while she was gone. He mainly wanted her to help him fix a crossbow that he had broken. He had been messing with the firing power on it and had broken some of the things on it and now it wouldn't fire at all. Hopefully she could help him with that. The kids choosing weapons had now left and Gideon was by himself in the armory. Letting out a big sigh, he tucked the towel back up onto the hook where it had been and sheathed both of his katanas again. Resting back on the table, he looked around. Where others might find it uncomfortable, Gideon felt it relaxing to be surrounded by all sorts of different weapons. He shut his eyes for a brief moment, drawing in the musky, metal scent before letting it out in a slow breath and standing up to head back out. He remembered, as he walked out, hearing voices on Half-Blood Hill. It could be possible that Ky'vie was back and she would have been greeted by friends. He made his way over to the hill. He was only a short distance away when he recognized the girls from a distance, none of them being Ky'vie. The guy, however, he did not recognize. He saw Griffin a little ways off, but wasn't too worried. If Griffin was back, Ky'vie wouldn't be too far behind. Gideon walked up to the small group and called out a greeting. "[color=firebrick]Hey! What's up, we gotta new kid?[/color]" Gideon smiled at the newcomer and reached out to shake his hand. "[color=firebrick]Name's Gideon. I'm Ares' son, counselor of cabin nine. Nice to meet you.[/color]" He looked over at Erin, Slyeste, and Claire. "[color=firebrick]You guys know when Ky'vie is gonna be back?[/color]