[center][b][u]United Kingdom of Dalatrum - The Age of Nations - Theodorable[/u][/b] [hider=THE UNITED KINGDOM OF DALATRUM] [img]http://i.imgur.com/7IbtiXr.png[/img] [u][b]Nation Name[/b][/u] United Kingdoms of Dalatrum [u][b]Brief Nation History[/b][/u] The nobility of Dalatrum believe that status and appearance are as important as owning tons of money. The Dalatrum culture is renowned for its infighting, with every family engaging on some level in what’s known as the Grand Game, or simply The Game. It's a term applied to the politics and machinations of the nobles, political official, and even rulers of Dalatrum. The politics is an incredibly complicated "game" or "dance" of intrigue, seduction, ambition and scandal, an approach to politics, high culture and morality that is quintessentially from Dalatrum. The political and familial infighting that characterizes the Game is common in the country. The lower classes are believed by the nations beyond Dalatrum to resent the Game that ostensibly keeps them demeaned. However, most peasants desire to ascend as well, and the vain hope of accruing a generous patron or sufficient funds to gain a title of worth makes them surprisingly accepting of the Game's excesses. It is much less of a meritocracy than it appears, however, and the Game frequently sorts the wheat of Dalatrum society from the chaff. The nobles helped shaped the small country of Dalatrum grow strong enough to face off against The Claji Federation in 1736. The war grew longer and longer as both sides were gathering and losing grounds until Dalatrum's military launched a deadly attack on Claji's capital, burning it until it was reduced to ashes. With the President dead, Claji's Vice President surrendered the country to Dalatrum and shortly after, they annexed the country. Then, they changed the name to The United Kingdoms of Dalatrum and Claji. [b][u]Government[/u][/b] Dalatrum is a constitutional monarchy, where the ruler is restricted by the Constitution of Dalatrum. They are tough on what kind of powers the royal family is able to have. They are only able to to consulted, advise, and warn parliament when there's an important matter going on. They can't even declare war without parliament's approval and the majority of them are against another war. Parliament would rather focus on expanding Dalatrum's colonial empire than going to war. Because of that, they are very friendly with most of the nations in the world. [u][b]Landmass[/b][/u] [url=http://i.imgur.com/Npuxy6h.png]The landmass.[/url] [hr] [u][b]Population[/b][/u] 10,000,000[i](1)[/i] [u][b]Martial Prowess[/b][/u] They have a powerful army that held off against the forces of Calji Federation many years ago.[i](8)[/i] [u][b]Cultural Unity[/b][/u] Since they are far away from other countries, they don't have any claims on them.[i](3)[/i] [u][b]Navy[/b][/u] 15 Third Rate, 12 Second Rates, and 5 First Rate ship[i](5)[/i] [u][b]Colonies[/b][/u] [url=http://i.imgur.com/RXGZtID.png]Major Holding[/url][i](8)[/i] [/hider][/center]