[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1d/67/7c/1d677cc33672adcaa4bee0852676cc4b.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [i][center] The glowing girl stood on my palm. She wished for my act's to stop, she says that my rain has been flooding her town. She's flushing with power, " ... " I respond, her protecting wards dimmer and now I can see her, a beautiful and small woman. Her hair brown covered in small amount's of dirt. I admire her freckle's that emphasize her flaws. Her clothes wet, the girl looks at me with determination for me to stop. " Please... " She pleads, she's brave to even come here, to face my pressuring atmosphere and my intimidating look's. " Alright. " I can hear her sigh of relief, a smile being formed upon her face. " Thank you... " she says, nodding as the clouds begin to fade and the rain stopping. The mountains glisten as very few rocks tumble down. The girl disappears, strings of light curve as she did. There was this feeling of regret for not letting her leave, I could've trapped her in my cages and left her there for my doings but instead...I allowed her to leave. Her beauty shouldn't be tainted and her body was too pure for me to destroy. But there was this feeling of regret...I want to see her. Again.[/center][/i] [hr]