Khona, being a little larger than the average horse, remained fairly solid after the bump, though he did flare his rather glorious white and black wings and produce a hissy sort of noise. [color=fff200]"Ssskrawk!"[/color] The huge beast turned his head to the side, lowing her beak and peering Alya with a large vibrantly yellow eye, the pupil widening and shrinking with apparent randomness as he looked her over. The set of his head changed with short, bird-like jerks, each motion accompanied by the hollow clack of his beak. This close, she would be able to hear the faint hiss of his breath through the nares hidden in his plumage. The long feline tail undulated behind his hindquarters, adding to his calculating stance. One of his ear-tufts twitched and his neck twisted around to look down at the young direwolf, and he gave a chesty growl of his own. [color=00aeef]"Play nice, Khona,"[/color] Rilana admonished him, poking the gryphon in his haunch as she moved towards his front to find out what had captivated his attention. The moon fey was looking thoughtfully down at the dire wolf pup, wondering what it was doing out here all alone, when she reached Khona's head, and jumped when Alya came into view quite suddenly. [color=00aeef]"Oh! I didn't see you through Khona's fat head. I hope he didn't frighten you."[/color] She reached up to grab a fistful of Khona's plush fur. He was just as smart as anyone, but he was just as unpredictable as any wild creature. She looked Alya over and was relieved to see that the girl, or was she a young woman? didn't seem to have gryphon-sized clawmarks on her clothes. Rilana looked up and down the road, obviously a little nervous about being seen. [color=00aeef]"Perhaps we should be going..."[/color] But Khona had other ideas. He had torn his gaze from Echo and was looking at Alya's flute. He clacked his beak and produced a shrill piping whistle that could have passed for a flute noise, if it had been played by someone who had never played a flute before. Then he pecked at it with his huge eagle-beak, trying to tug it from the musician's hand.