[hider=Ivory Hart] [b]Name:[/b] Ivory Hart [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] With a thin frame and a height of only 5’5”, Ivory isn’t the most intimidating figure that one might see, and she certainly doesn’t try to be. She possesses some Native Alaskan blood in her (Inupiaq blood, to be exact), and some of her features do share this fact, including slightly slanted eyes and skin with a bronze glow. However, she also has Irish and Italian blood in her, giving her a thinner face and gray eyes. Her hair is a medium brown in coloration and on the long side, reaching to the middle of her back, but is often kept up in a ponytail or messy bun. When it comes to clothing Ivory’s wardrobe is pretty ordinary for a young adult. Jeans and plain t-shirts or tanktops seem to be a common choice for her, along with boots or tennis shoes. Anything other than those are usually reserved for days that she is forced to attend a more formal event, but even then she keeps an extra pair of clothes in the car. When hunting she wears more concealing and flexible clothing, including a hood. Not a red one, mind you, but instead black in coloration with her family’s motto stitched into it, ‘Fortis et fideliter’ - brave and loyal. She also wears her mother and father’s wedding rings on a silver necklace. [b]Creature:[/b] Human [b]Type of Hunter:[/b] Lycan Hunter Ivory only hunts with silver weapons, which is to be expected. Her primary weapon is a crossbow with silver arrows, but she also possesses two silver daggers in case anything gets too close for comfort. She also has a male Tamaskan named Tikaani, who was raised by Ivory and trained to help track and hunt lycans. [b]How long have you been hunting/afflicted: [/b] Hunting for about 6 years. Needless to say, she's still a beginner. [b]Background:[/b] Ivory’s father was the only parent present in her life, and he had come from an old but surviving bloodline of werewolf hunters, so it was only natural that Ivory continued the tradition. Training began at a young age for Ivory, but she wasn’t allowed to play with sharp weapons at first. Instead she helped train the dogs her father raised, Tamaskans that were trained to help hunt werewolves and the like. Books about vampires, lycans, witches, and anything along those lines took up the space on her bookshelf. At 13, when she knew the basics, and plus some, she finally began training with weapons. By the time she was 18 she successfully took down her first lycan - with her father’s help, of course. The two hunted lycans for about two years together, until they came about a rather peculiar lycan that seemingly had no desire to attack. Still, with every instinct demanding the strike, Ivory and her father battled until her father was left with a deadly injury. The lycan seemed distraught once it saw what it had done and hurried off, leaving daughter and father alone. His death came quickly, but despite the tragedy Ivory continued what she was raised to do. She continued to work independently, until a familiar name came about. William Hendrick, a name that her father would occasionally mention. There was no reward promised that could potentially grasp her interest, but he grabbed her curiosity with his outrageous proposition. [b]Reason for Joining:[/b] She claims she’s only tagging along due to her curiosity, but she does have other reasons. [b]Arrived: [/b]1 day ago [/hider]