[center][h3][color=Coral]Alice Vetrov[/color][/h3][/center] Alice lightly folded her arms over her chest, smiling when Isshum didn't remember what Alice had asked the day prior. Rather than take offence to it, the older woman simply passed it off as the young man being too busy to remember every detail of what happened over the last night. A lot of people bought into the stigma that the youth of today were incapable of being lost in such deep thought. Alice, however, had always been an advocate for young minds. "[color=Coral]Yes, I am referring to you as well.[/color]" She spoke, gently pointing a finger at his forehead in a similar fashion to the way the young dragon slayer was pointing to himself. "[color=Coral]I'm in need of assistance with setting up my office. At the moment I'm in a bit of a makeshift position. It's not preferable.[/color]" She turned her body slightly to face to the table covered in paperwork, disdain plastered over her face. It was so disorganised, and Alice couldn't stand that. "[color=Coral]Of coarse I'd be willing to pay you. I'll even treat you all to a meal anywhere in town as an expression of gratitude.[/color]" Alice brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face, hoping her deal would be tempting to Isshum and his friends. She wouldn't mind if they declined, of coarse, but the idea of doing all that work on her own wasn't very appealing. And that was coming from someone who actually enjoyed working. When James approached and hid behind her, Alice smiled down at her son. Isshum made a comment about it, asking if he was usually like this. Alice gently stroked the back of James' hair while she spoke. "[color=Coral]It's only his second day in Magnolia, and you're probably the first person he's talked to since coming here. He'll get used to you.[/color]" Much to Alice's surprise, Isshum knelt forward and began to show his magic to James. Completely invested in the dragon slayers abilities, James detached himself from Alice and stood in awe at the impressive display of fire and sparks. "Cool! Mommy, did you see the magic? Did you?" The young boy was practically jumping up and down with excitement. He'd only ever seen Alice's magic before, which wasn't as flashy as the fire magic. Alice nodded in approval towards Isshum, a silent thanks for being so welcoming to her child. [@Renny]