Yo, yo. I'm the founder of "4 underachieving nerds" (I made the conversation, it's close enough). Also a lurker. Anyway, here's the bad-man Guild for the first arc as an introductory, and onwards as recurring villains: [hr] [center][hider=Phantom Tribunal][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/P6rijy5.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/qXvEUEz.png[/img] Phantom Tribunal is a Dark Guild founded by The Second. They were a relatively unknown guild for the last few years, but have since become much more active and given the Dark Guild status. They consist of 3 S-Class mages, 1 mage on the same level as a Wizard Saint, 1 mage that's absurdly powerful (but he rarely does anything by himself), and about 15 above-average [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Mooks]mooks[/url]. They were given the Dark Guild status due to their murders of various criminals and small legal guilds.[/center] [center][h3][b]The Mooks[/b][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/kqMcR6Q.png[/img] The mooks consist of various people with a large sense of justice. They often don't talk, and they're always rather weak. They're really just hard-to-kill cannon fodder for the quirky miniboss squad to do their jobs with less action. [h3][b]Ranking System[/b][/h3] Phantom Tribunal has a different ranking system. [h3]Leader (Arbiter in name) > Arbiter > Judge > Untitled (Mooks)[/h3] This ranking system, however, does not denote power, and only denotes how close they are to the leader. [/center][/hider] In addition, there's actually a new job request on the board, actually. Subdue the Dark Guild. For the non-S Class members of the Wizards of Fiore Guild. I'd say it'd take around 2-3 Mages to do. [hider=Here ya go.][b][u]Subdue the Dark Guild![/u][/b] [b]Reward:[/b] 1,700,000 J [url=http://i.imgur.com/8pvpMzK.jpg][b]Location:[/b][/url] Eastcliff, Callmigh Bluff [i]"Eastcliff is a small fishing village found in the location of Callmigh Bluff. Despite our name, both Callmigh Bluff and Eastcliff are southwest of Crocus, on the coast of Fiore. We're a defenceless village, and we keep getting attacked by the "Dark Guild" Satyr Horn. They're not even a large guild. There's only a few of them, but we can't stand up to Mages, so we need help!" - Maine, Village Leader[/i][/hider] As for [i]who[/i] your antagonists are: that'll be revealed when one of your characters meets them for the first time IC. For now, have this totally-mysterious silhouette. [img]http://i.imgur.com/vAp4XCg.png?1[/img] [url=http://picosong.com/SmBU/]Thanks, and have fun.[/url][/center]