[center][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111130131308/swtor/images/thumb/4/46/Vette01.JPG/500px-Vette01.JPG[/img][/center] [center](But younger looking and without the collar)[/center] [center][b]Name[/b]: Jasma Quillum[/center] [center][b]Age[/b]: 17[/center] [center][b]Race[/b]: Twi'lek[/center] [center][b]Appearance[/b][/center] [center]A slender, average, blue Twi'lek with black markings and grey eyes, around 5' 4". She wears the normal Jedi garb of a padawan with a blue lightsaber. [/center] [center][b]Force Abilities[/b][/center] [list] [*] Basics-(focus on Telekinesis; uncomfortable with Mind Control [*] Force Healing [*] Force Insight (a rare force ability that allows a person's core personality to be be felt, to fully delve into the ability as of now she needs to focus all her attention to the specific person, though she passively gets hints) [/list] [center][b]Non-Force Abilities[/b][/center] [list] [*] Lightsaber Combat: Is proficient in Forms I-III (Stronger in using the force than in using a lightsaber), is currently learning Form VI from her master [*] Herbal Knowledge [*] Dancing [/list] [center][b]Personality/Motivation[/b][/center] [center] If Jasma sees innocent people or allies in danger, she'll rush in and help them. She prefers simple situations, where there's a clear goal, a clear enemy, and obvious things for her to do, making her one of the few Jedi who were actually comfortable on the battlefield. She has no patience for diplomatic situations (though she has graduated from having her master stop her from threatening to kill the annoyance to having to be stopped from keeping the person where they were until they agreed through creative means[ex. surrounding the target with furniture then making the furniture immovable, having carpets ready to pounce]), but she would be in absolute horror of herself if she actually did kill someone without cause and does try to suppress that temper. A major motivator there is that she wants to be like the third Barsen'thor of the order, an exceptional Force user during the Galactic War both warrior and diplomat who freed a planet from the Sith Empire practically single-handed and the Sith Emperor's most entrenched spy. She's read the files of that Jedi's exploits so many times that she could recite the whole thing word by word. Probably has a lot of the order's history practically memorized like that as well, from all her looking about for any clues of where holocons of lost Jedi techniques are, especially the shielding one that first made the Barsen'thor famous. Though she also studies up on more common force techniques though but hasn't recieved actual instruction.[/center] [center] [hider=Biography] Jasma has less memory of her parents then even most Jedi or of her time on the planet Ryloth. She isn't sure what happened exactly, just the slave ship when she was four. Her force insight already manifested itself, helping her keep clear of the most vile of the ship. But her only pleasure was in the dance lessons, used by the slavers to increase their cargos' value but allowed Jasma a mental escape from what was going on. But she was never submisive, shielding others from the crew's wrath and attempting to escape whenever she had the chance. But it was only the captian's cockiness and a corrupt official that finally lead her to the temple. It seemed like a nice simple plan to the two of them. One of the younger girls would go with the Captain and some of his men to the designated meeting place on Courscant. The rest would stay in orbit hidden from detection until they came back. Some well placed bribes and the crowd would help hide some of the peculiarities. Jasma, six at the time, was chosen for her skill at dancing and as a way to profitably get rid of the annoyence of her escapes. But at the Jedi temple, Xav'qui Sel, one of the initiates decided to do a bit of exploring and snuck out. He was seen though by one of the Jedi knights, who smiled and followed the boy to make he didn't get into too much trouble, though maybe enough trouble to keep him from wandering again. They were traveling like this for a while when they heard a startled yell. They both hurried towards it, the knight still keeping quiet, when they came upon the source of the noise. Jasma had tried another escape attempt, waiting till she had only one person immediately beside her, the Republic official, biting his hand when he reached out to examine her jaw, and taking off. The Jedi came just as she had been recaptured and her slave collar put on the highest setting she could possibly live through as punishment. Then the boy force grabbed the controller, turned it off, and smashed it, asking them why they didn't pick on someone more equal to them. The captain and his men then obliged by pointing their guns at him, the official getting nervous. Which he turned out right to be when a lightsaber disarmed the leader with a jump then took the rest down. The initiate went to check out the girl and take the collar off. The last burst had left her in bad shape, but she asked if they were going to save the others. The Knight then convinced the slavers to reveal where the others were and was able to lead a rescue mission. The initiate took Jasma to the Jedi healers to treat her injuries. While there, they realized that she was force sensitive. Jasma was excited about the discovery and ecstatic when she was accepted and put in the same clan as Xav'qui. The two became thick as thieves, getting into all sorts of trouble during their free times. But she was studious during class and at her lessons, wanting to be a good Jedi and not be behind. She also would visit the healing room to observe the healers at their work. She even copied what they did on a wounded stray animal that had come to the temple. One of them observed this and further tests showed that she was a natural healer. They unofficially taught her then the techniques themselves and some herbal knowledge they knew to help the healing along. Jasma tackled the subject head-on and went to the archives to learn more of the techniques and herbs when she had exhausted their knowledge. It was while looking around for more techniques that Jasma first heard about the third Barsen'thor. She read of the Jedi consular's exploits and became a great admirer. The Barsen'thor became her role model and she took to visiting the Archives after everyone was asleep, sometimes during the day as well if there was nothing more to do in the healing room. She spread her reading to everything written on various force techniques. The Twi'lek came upon a collection of the traditional dances of her people. She took to practicing them, feeling closer to the force and more free, like she had while on the ship. Though it also made meditation class particularly hard to do, but she ended up picturing her dancing in her mind to at least past the class. Other than that, she was among the top in terms of force use, but she was average in lightsaber usage. The force it seems decided therefore to provide her a path to at least shore up her combat abilities if not excel. The day before the Initiate Trials, Jasma was particularly nervous. She was worried about failing whether through saying one word incorrectly of the Jedi code or through being a mediocre lightsaber user. She practiced and memorized and did all she could. Finally, the Twi'lek recognized that she was getting into a highly nervous state, needing some sort of calm down. So Jasma decided to do what had worked so well in the past, she went into the Archives and practiced the traditional moves. But this time she had an unknown observer. Jedi Knight T'ish had been thumbing through the holocrons when he saw the young initiate enter in. Curious about what she was doing, he followed her and secretly observed her dance style. He admired the grace with which she moved, grace that had a great potential for lightsaber combat, and the feeling of the force going so freely through her, like one at meditation. After the Twi'lek was done and was leaving the library, T'ish asked a woman he knew there what she knew about the initiate. But Jasma was unaware of any of this. She was just fully refreshed and prepared. At the actual trials, the Twi'lek passed the code and force test with flying colors, though she only showed competency during the staged hood lightsaber test. Nevertheless, Jasma Quillum had passed the tests. She was delighted and thrilled, though she wondered who the Kel Dorian knight was. She saw him again in the stands during the Apprentice Tournament, where the battles she did win were through telekinesis and some dueling. And that same Kel Dorian was introduced to her later as Jedi Knight T'ish, her master. Their first assignment together, guarding an Alderanian diplomat, revealed both her other natural force trait and her intolerence to diplomacy. Together, they were assigned on many missions and battles for the Republic, and everyone was relieved when they weren't put on diplomatic missions. In the field, he would be the main charge while she would be the support and healer. During training, he worked to improve her lightsaber combat, helping her at least shore up her rather rudimentary usage of the first three forms and teaching her the fourth. They were waiting at the Temple for their next assignment when Project Knightfall fell. [/hider] [/center] [center][b]Secrets[/b] [/center] [center]Jasma became the closest of friends with the boy that helped save her life throughout their years together at the Jedi Temple. But she hides especially from him the love that she developed for him. She read in the Archives how two Jedi who were initiates/padawans in the Temple together could get married and would like to initiate that with him. But she doesn't know how exactly he feels for her and doesn't want to force him into that kind of relationship without his true consent.[/center] [center]She trained herself in her people's traditional dances in secret at the Jedi Temple, mostly because she knew it was probably something they did not want a Jedi initiate to waste their time learning and she was embarrassed to show many of the moves to the other's with the vow of chastity the Jedi had to take and all. But she finds it somewhat increases her lightsaber skill since the fluidity and gracefulness inherit of dancing gives a mindset to help develop her fluidity and gracefulness with a lightsaber. [/center] [center][b]Relationships[/b][/center] [center] Xai'qui Sel: the boy who helped save her life, they have now grown to be the closest of friends, though at least on one side, something more brews under the surface[/center] [center]Seris: Jasma knows her by sight at least from Jasma's vists to the Archieves to pour over the holocrons there, reading about various Jedi force techniques, hints about where to find long lost techniques, the story of the third Barsen'thor again, and other information she's curious to know, also where she makes sure no one is watching when she starts her dance practices.[/center] [center]Master T'ish: her Jedi Master[/center] [center](Any connection between other players' characters are welcome.)[/center]