The sting of the mid-morning sun pulled Aryn from her rest, the soft hum of Selma causing her waking to be more pleasant then she assessed as the light first pressed against her lids. She grabbed a small pink pillow and covered her head with it anyway, grunting and causing a fuss of sorts, namely just to gather attention. Her long blonde hair streamed out across the bed, soft curls and little tangles entwined in what must have been a great night of sleep. She laughed when Selma grabbed the pillow and launched it, tickling the small fae across her belly that was exposed due to her nocturnal movements. She swatted at her and Selma laughed too, the sound of it motherly and filling up the room with love and kindness. Aryn twisted away, jumping onto her feet and turning to face her handmaid, a look of challenge on her face as her brows moved up and down in a mischievous manner. Selma straightened up and placed her hands on her portly hips, her eye brow lifting with a very motherly warning. Aryn had to fear, but only the hope of winning the match that morning as she backed up a little and whispered, "I'm gonna get you..." Selma soon lost her composure, figuring the child was serious and turned to run for the door, a loud squeal leaving her as Aryn laughed with joy and pounced on top of the bed, running to catch up and launching herself in the air. She made it to the open door Selma had escaped from and plowed into her Uncle Jefferson, the large man wrapping her in a hug and trying to regain his balance before they both feel to the ground. The handmaiden was nowhere to be seen, but that was most usual seeing that Selma was a grand witch and there not by chance, but by design to protect the next Queen of Darium. "What are you up to, child? You're going to give us old folks a heart attack with your vigor alone." He hugged her with a bit of a grunt and moved back to look down at her. "Now, get yourself dressed and I shall go with you to the Vespa fountains and wait just inside the small cafe on the edge of the square for you to meet Orin." She released him and stepped back, her head tilting a little to the right as she pouted slightly. "How can I ever sneak out of here if you all share my devious plans? No one was supposed to know about me going and yet I'm sure everyone, including father knows!" "That he does. Get dressed and I shall meet you outside in an hour with the carriage ready. Selma has breakfast cooking, I just spotted her in the kitchen." He turned to go and Aryn almost objected seeing that the woman was with her, but that was a mystery best left untouched. "Fine," she huffed and slipped into a soft white cotton dress, sandals and pulled her long hair into a messy braid of gold. She ate a quick breakfast, no words spoken with Selma, but quick smiles and glances that spoke of humorous retribution to be made apparent sooner than later. Not having a mother for quite sometime left a chasm in Aryn that was unable to find words and yet Selma helped to bring her grief and fear in check most days with her loving kindness. She finished her breakfast and walked into the noonday sun, the air still a little chilly as winter approached, but most refreshing. The ride to the fountain took longer than expected due to most of the people in the village stopped to smile and wave as the princess moved through the small cobblestone streets. They arrived a few minutes before expected, so Aryn promised she would remain in the spot she'd chosen and her uncle disappeared back down the path they'd come on. She tugged at her braid a little after finding a comfortable spot on the edge of the fountain, the lovely sounds accompanied by moving water tried to calm her excitement. She almost felt as though she might burst as she looked up and spotted Orin, his long dark hair framing his face perfectly and stealing her breath for a moment. How grateful she was that he was a little ways off and couldn't possibly see the effect him growing up would have on her. She quickly forgot things of a lustful nature and slipped from the rock, a quick walk, jog to meet him and offer him a warm hug. "It has been far too long, my friend," she moved back and let herself take him in. "You look wonderful..."