[hider=Elanzo] [b]Name:[/b] Elanzo [b]Age[/b]: 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Class:[/b] Wyvern Rider [b]Game:[/b] Fire Emblem: Awakening [b]Equipped Weapon:[/b] Axe [b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/39293137/original.jpg[/img] [b]Armor/Clothes:[/b] Elanzo's clothes mainly consist of a simple red top and white cotton pants. For armor he wears battered leather shoulder pads, chestplate, and shin guards. [hider=Background]Elanzo was born and raised in a quiet town with a small populace of a hundred or so denizens. With very little trouble ever coming along, life was peaceful...and utterly boring. Unsatisfied with the monotony of daily life, he would spend his days wandering the edge's of the nearby forest, wishing for something interesting to come along. Never did he think that that 'something' would be big, winged, and try to bite his head off if Elanzo so even looked at it. After reports of mysterious half-eaten rabbits and strange foreign sounds at night, a curious Elanzo ventured into the woods to put to rest these complaints and worries. To his surprise, hidden in the thick foliage, was a wyvern with an injured wing. It was a mystery as to how it had managed to get in this part of the world, and even more of a mystery as to how it got hurt. Put that mattered not to Elanzo. He was instantly enamored with the creature, and was determined to heal and befriend it. However, there's a big difference between healing broken bird wings and broken wyvern wings. After all, birds don't try and rip you limb from limb. But after a week of persistently visiting the hurt beast (and perhaps a bribery or two of lamb meat), Elanzo had gained the wyvern's tentative trust and was allowed to attempt to heal him (he was somewhat sure it was male...somewhat sure...). With some help from a Cleric that was luckily passing by the town, the wyvern was better than ever in a few weeks time. Elanzo expected for the creature, dubbed Yorke in their time together, to disappear once the injury had been healed. Much to his pleasure, he was wrong. Much to his displeasure, he found out about his wrongness after discovering a sleeping Yorke curled up in his room and scaring the townsfolk. Filled with a renewed sense of adventure, the duo set off from town, ready to explore the land. As the duo traveled from town to town, they were halted by a dark sight: bandits. With little mercy or remorse, the group of thieves plundered a nearby town and threatened to burn every building down if they weren't given gold. Angered by such actions, Elanzo and Yorke attacked the bandits and managed to drive them away from the town. Though Elanzo departed quickly from that town, his actions did not go unnoticed by a certain goddess. [/hider][/hider]