[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Post%20Gifs/Erin_zpstefkewsv.gif[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Post%20Gifs/Syleste_zpspku3imw8.gif[/img] [h1][color=DarkCyan]Erin Marie Chase[/color] and [color=LightPink]Syleste Astrea Nioré[/color][/h1] [h2]Half-Blood Hill ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h2][/center] “I am so glad that you don’t mind me coming with you; it isn’t very often that I get to meet new people, I… don’t exactly get out enough to have that opportunity- I haven’t even left the camp since I first moved here.” Tilting her head ever so slightly, Syleste couldn’t help the small though still extremely warm smile that lit up her features at his words, the corners of her eyes crinkling lightly underneath the material of the blindfold as she lifted her hand up, nervously brushing some stray strands of her bubblegum pink hair back off of her face, neatly tucking it back behind her ear- though he seemed to be alright with the fact that she couldn’t see, she still didn’t want to freak him out in any way; Erin was already making everyone uncomfortable enough without her help… she didn’t need to add to it by taking the material off. A son of Jupiter… that was all Erin needed; another cousin who was going to get on her back about being so closed off to the rest of the world around her- but then, he seemed to be… different. At least, he was different to Claire; maybe it was the fact that he was from Camp Jupiter. They went through a completely different lifestyle to what was on offer to the demigods at Camp Half-Blood; maybe there was the possibility that the two of them would get along… it was slim in chance, and then she rarely ever got along with anyone, so what was the point in this ‘trying’ thing again..? Dropping her gaze down so that it was lingering upon his extended hand, Erin stayed silent, allowing her mind to go over everything that she had learnt so far about the guy standing in front her- Logan was... confident; at least as much as she could see. Strong and kind; both his actions and sweet words towards Syleste showing that he didn’t care about things would hold a person back, her friend’s blindness not seeming to bother him in any way… but it still didn’t mean that she wasn’t going to be cautious or guarded around him. She had bad experiences with guys before; Erin’s past haunting her to the point that she was too closed off… too guarded and cold-hearted to even let people in. And even with having lived for so long in the camp, there was no one within it who truly knew the full extent of what she had gone through, “..the fleece attracts all things that you seem to consider ‘beautiful’; it keeps the camp and the surrounding area healthy and in bloom most of the year round, and its power also attracts satyrs- which is why they are always able to find their way back after going out to collect new freaks like us.” Keeping her head where it was, Erin slowly lifted her dark eyes from where they had been focused upon his hand, her gaze following the strong line of his arm until finally, her eyes met with his own; the young demigod seeming more reluctant than ever before she finally reached out to take a hold of his hand, her own holding on rather firmly as she continued to stare him down, trying her best to figure out just how big of a threat he was going to be to her before eventually, she answered his actual question, the dark shadow cast over the ground from Thalia’s tree seeming to grow darker as it moved over the ground to meet up with and join her own. “..yes, I’m your cousin… Erin Chase… daughter of Hades…” “Oh, bonjour Claire..!” Lifting her hand up slightly from where it had been resting so that she could give a small wave in the direction that she could hear the familiar voice coming from, Syleste nodded her head lightly up and down in response to her question as she brought her hands once more together in front of her stomach, her fingers softly playing with the hem of her singlet top, “Yes; Claire, this is Logan- he’s from the other camp, and he’s a son of Jupiter too. Don’t you think that’s really cool..? I mean, you and Erin have a new cousin..!” Catching the unmistakable sound of a French accent coming up from behind her, Erin turned her head so that she was looking back over her shoulder at the annoying figure that was their other cousin; Claire… Of course she was going to show up at the hill, why wouldn’t she? It seemed like every demigod and their dog was making their way up the hill; the only difference being that the only dog that was in the camp, was both locked away and deactivated in the Hephaestus cabin, awaiting the return of its master who was due to be showing up sometime today, “..what makes you so sure that I want your help, Claire..? I think that I’m more capable than you at showing our cousin around this stupid camp; unless you think, for some reason, that I’m not good enough for him… not that it matters what you think- I’m on duty today, you have a problem with it, go and take it up with the camps crummy director…” [i]“Hey! What’s up, we gotta new kid? Name’s Gideon. I’m Ares’ son, councilor of cabin nine. Nice to meet you.”[/i] Seriously… what was this? Fighting the urge to roll her eyes as the sound of Gideon’s voice hit her hears, Erin turned her attention back around to where she could see him joining the small group that seemed to be getting bigger with each minute- was it some sort of secret tradition or the like that she didn’t know about? One that involved every single demigod in camp coming and watching her actually doing work? It wasn’t like it was an uncommon thing- she did what she had to do… or at least, she did whatever she couldn’t manage to get herself out of doing. [i]“You guys know when Ky’ vie is gonna be back?”[/i] “..so there’s two pups waiting for their mistress to return; I wonder what is it about the forger that makes her so… desirable among the guys in this camp? Lookie, lookie Syl… it seems as though our little prankster might just have some competition for his cuddle buddies attention…” Not even bothering to give anyone a chance to respond to her little jibe towards their friend from the Hermes’ cabin, Erin let her gaze drop back down to where her hand still rested softly within Logan’s grip, the sight of it causing her to take pause for a moment before she pulled it back, quickly slipping it into her back pocket as she turned her attention back to Gideon, “Our resident lover girl should be home soon from what I’ve heard- now if you’ll excuse me; I’m going to take pinkie and the cousin here, and I’m gunna go do my stupid job… feel free [i]not[/i] to tag along…” “..what Erin means is that, we don’t know the exact time that she’s going to be arriving back, Gideon… we haven’t heard from her in a few days; maybe try and ask Grif, I think she calls him up to talk whenever possible while she’s away.” Tilting her head sweetly to the side as she not only answered his question, but also translated Erin’s rather rude and more abrasive words- it wasn’t something that could really be helped... everyone in the camp knew what Erin was like, and just how bad she could get whenever she grew angered or frustrated; and it didn’t take genius to see that all this attention from other campers was causing her to go down that path. She was blind, and even she could see that as clear as day… Reaching back out with her hand until her hand once more pressing against Logan’s arm, Syleste slid her hand down slightly, her fingers curling lightly around his wrist to act as a guide as she moved closer to him, her body pressing lightly against his own as she lifted herself up onto the balls of her feet; her voice softening down to almost a whisper as she spoke to him and him alone, her expression a mixture of both sadness and worry, “..please don’t think badly of Erin… people tend to judge her because of her father; and she kind of got into an argument with Mr. D this morning before we came up here to meet with you… She’s just misunderstood; like a lot of other people here…”