[center][h3][color=B0E0E6]Captain of Squad Four [b]Miho Hari-Zumi[/b][/color][/h3] [img]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y404/AbigailTenshi/8d3ee651-cc92-419c-a9e1-b5b5ba60045f_zpszkouz0b9.jpg[/img][/center] [color=B0E0E6][b]"Calm your mind and relax your muscles... Your mind, body and soul must unite as one... Only then will you be able to focus all of your healing energy and power... Your capabilities will rise and you'll be able to heal much more effectively... Now, everyone, at the sound of this chime, inhale..."[/b][/color] Her soothing soft voice filled every corner of the large box room occupied by herself and fifteen members of Squad four. The members were all seated in 3 rows of five. The Shinigami's power levels varied; some were seated high and low ranks, others were fresh out of the academy, Miho preferred to mix the members in these sessions to give them all a chance to work with and alongside each other. They all sat with legs crossed, backs straight and eyes facing the front, starting right at their Captain, Miho Hari-Zumi. Miho sat facing her squad members, legs crossed also while adorning her Captain's Haori. She held a joyous smile which softly illuminated her facial features. Her left arm and hand rested in her left knee whilst her right arm was slightly raised. A miniature round symbol was fixed to her right thumb, it's partner fixed to her right index and middle finger. Gently but swiftly, Miho tapped the symbols together to create a chime sound. The room inhaled and held their breath with Miho leading the action. [color=B0E0E6][b]"And exhale..."[/b][/color] [i]Ting![/i]... With another chime sound, the room exhaled. [color=B0E0E6][b]"Now once again..."[/b][/color] [i]Ting![/i]... Repeating the string of moves, the room inhaled on the first chime and exhaled on the other, this time without needing Miho's instruction. [color=B0E0E6][b]"Now everyone close your eyes... Relax your shoulders... Open your mind... Focus your energy... And remain [i]reelaxed[/i]..."[/b][/color] Spacing her instructions out while speaking calmly at a tranquil tone of voice, the room followed her steps as she spoke them, all but one member. Within the second row of members, a Shinigami screwed their face into a 'strongly concentrating' expression. A bead of sweat dripped down the left of their forehead as they stayed seated but appeared in deep distress. [b]"I... I can't do it!!"[/b] They suddenly yelled, tearing through the blanket of peace which smothered the room. Miho's attention turned to the young memeber as they gripped their head defeatdly. [b]"I'm so sorry Capitan but I can't! I can't concentrate! My mind is all over the place!"[/b] Watching the member bend forward while still gripping their head, clearly upset, Miho continued to smile softly before speaking, her voice never loosing the calmness from before. [color=B0E0E6][b]"I see... Well my prodigies let us begin the one-to-one portion of this meditation session... All return to your previous relaxed states.... Close your eyes... Continue focusing your energy and take your time learning to control it at will..."[/b][/color] Miho rose from her spot at the front of the room after her speech, casually walking over to the trouble young member in order to begin. [color=B0E0E6][b]"Relax Gyansu... This is a slow learning process so don't worry... I will help you start your journey"[/b][/color] Gyansu looked up at Miho sadly before sitting up and balling his fists on top of his thighs. His face was titled downward in shame. Miho took a seat in front of the male and faced him, still smiling. [color=B0E0E6][b]"You haven't done anything wrong Gyansu, please try to relax. I have faith in your abilities, I know you can do this so allow me to help you"[/b][/color] With her legs crossed, Miho held both of her hands out in front of Gyansu. She had already discarded the symbols from early by placing them in the pocket of her Haori. Both of her palms faced upwards as she made eye-contact with Gyansu. [color=B0E0E6][b]"Place your palms on top of mine, lets mediate together"[/b][/color] Miho continued to offer her smile as she awaited Gyansu's response to her instruction. As asked, Gyansu quietly placed his hands on top of Miho's, hesitant at first but still did as his Captain said. With her smile growing a touch wider to thank the Shinigami, Miho continued to instruct Gyansu. [color=B0E0E6][b]"Now straighten your back... Close your eyes... And slowly but deeply breathe along with me.... Listen and use all of your other senses to guide you... Allow your thoughts to simply melt away..."[/b][/color] Gyansu followed along with Miho's words, finding it easier to follow along with her steps now that she was instructing at his pace. For some reason he felt and unusual feeling flow through him and surround his body. It wasn't bad... in fact it was rather comforting. It was unmistakably coming from Miho, but the feeling that flowed into him and wrapped around his body was something he hand't felt before. Gradually the pressure of the feeling strengthen and almost felt as thought it was radiating from within him. Little did he know, Miho had already moved her hands by now, however the warmth that came from her palms lingered around for longer than one would expect so Gyansu didn't notice. The odd feeling had completely distracted Gyansu from the hustle and bustle of his thoughts and centred his mind unknowingly, soon weaning him off of focusing on Miho's influence to focusing on his own energy and drawing it out. Gyansu continued to breathe smoothly through this process meanwhile Miho had just sat and watched his relaxed face. She stayed seated and quiet as she didn't want the complete disappearance of her presence to startle the young man and break him from his mental journey. She studied the member's posture in the mean time. He was slouching slightly with raised shoulders which told Miho that the stress this member must of been feeling had manifested into knots in his shoulders. He certainly needed more relaxation time to adjust. Gyansu was one of the fresh out of the academy students, perhaps he wasn't used to such a relaxing atmosphere? After all, the academy is very fast-paced. Taking all of this into account, Miho made a mental note before using her ability to sense power levels to see if there was any other members in the room having trouble to focus on next. [color=B0E0E6][i]'All of these Shinigami are remarkable, so many different personalities and varying strengths and weaknesses~ It is rather interesting'[/i][/color]