[center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/b1edd40ee5ff0de0e54f8620003b0671/tumblr_mzttlqjOIs1sougpco1_1280.jpg[/img] ~ [b]Name[/b] ~ Nai ~ [b]Age:[/b] ~ Nineteen ~ [b]Gender[/b] ~ Male ~ [b]Species[/b] ~ Feline ~ [b]Sexually[/b] ~ Homosexual ~ [b]Relationship Status[/b] ~ Single ~ [b]Occupation[/b] ~ Student ~ [b]Personality[/b] ~ Nai is very kind and innocent, albeit quite naïve. Due to his dependence on others, he tends to rely on those around him who are willing to lend him help- often getting him into trouble. Nai does not know much about the world around him and is confused by very simple terms- not understanding the compliments he often receives. Nai is an all around pure and innocent character. He is eager to help, and incredibly loyal to those he calls his "friends." ~ [b]Other[/b] ~ N/A ~ [b]Theme Song[/b] ~ [youtube]h-3V0FwPzes[/youtube] [/center]