[@AbigailTenshi] [center][h2][color=ed1c24]Kazu Shinka[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/WrljefZ.png?2[/img] - Squad 4 Barracks - [img]http://i.imgur.com/RM9QfsY.jpg?1[/img][/center] Kazu was at the Squad 4 barracks where he had gone to collect some bodies, yet he found himself side tracked when he noticed many people gathered in a room, this sight peaked his curiosity and before he knew it he was sat down in this room following the instructions the Squad 4 Captain was giving out. In truth Kazu didn't really feel any different effects from this, however he noticed the person sitting to his right staring at him, this put him off slightly and soon found himself in a staring competition with this person. The two just sat there staring at eachother for awhile until Kazu reached into an inside pocket with his right hand as he pulled out a Banana and handed it to the person then nodded slightly as smiley faces showed up in the lenses of his Gas mask before fading as he turned his attention to the Captain. When he saw her move away from the person she was helping he assumed the lesson was over and began clapping as smiley faces appeared once more in the lenses of his gas mask "[color=ed1c24]That was great! I don't know what we was doing but I feel happy! I don't know why I never knew about this before! I'ma have to show up to more of these![/color]"