[@Kurisa][center][h3][color=B0E0E6]Captain of Squad Four [b]Miho Hari-Zumi[/b][/color][/h3] [img]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y404/AbigailTenshi/8d3ee651-cc92-419c-a9e1-b5b5ba60045f_zpszkouz0b9.jpg[/img][/center] Miho closed her eyes at the sound of clapping, her smile never leaving her face. The clapping had, as expected, disrupted the class which would of made this the second time the class had been inturuppted. However, Miho had alot of patience and didn't see these interruptions as a bother at all. [color=B0E0E6][b]"I'm glad you enjoyed the first half of our meditation session Lieutenant. Feel free to join in as much as you'd like, we are always welcome to other members of the Seireitei [i]hmhm[/i]"[/b][/color] Adding a cute chuckle on the end of her sentence, Miho stood from her seat and looked around at the other members of the room. [color=B0E0E6][b]"Please do not allow yourselves to be easily startled. These sessions are about you and you alone... Focus, breathe, unite your mind, body and soul as one... Feel free to contact or attempt to contact your Zanpakuto if you feel that you need to... This is your opportunity to improve yourselves mentally, ask for my assistance if you need to, I am here to help you and aid you all"[/b][/color] After her calmly spoken speech the rest of the room returned to their previous states once more. Miho turned her cool blue eyes onto Kazu's smiling mask before walking over to him and taking a seat in front of him, facing him just as she did to the previous member she aided. [color=B0E0E6][b]"If you'd like Lieutenant, I can focus on you and make you feel something more... something that you've never felt before~"[/b][/color] Speaking with a tinge of playfulness while her own eyes smiled along with her lips, Miho held out both of her hands with her palms facing upwards. [color=B0E0E6][b]"The one-to-one portion focuses on you solely along with my assistance. I like to use this time to mentally refresh my members and get them used to my power whilst guiding them through controlling their own power by will. Of course I do know that you're extremely capable so this would just be for fun, however you're welcome to leave if you have other things to take care of"[/b][/color] She hummed another chuckle, her warm expression beaming at Kazu.