[@AbigailTenshi] [center][h2][color=ed1c24]Kazu Shinka[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/WrljefZ.png?2[/img] - Squad 4 Barracks - [img]http://i.imgur.com/RM9QfsY.jpg?1[/img][/center] Kazu watched as Miho came over to him, sitting down infront of him as she then spoke and held out her hands. Kazu looked at this before nodding as he figured she wanted two Banana's. Just as well he came prepared! "[color=ed1c24]You got it![/color]" Kazu reached into his inner pocket and pulled out two Banana's, placing one in each of Miho's hands "[color=ed1c24]I find Banana's fun to~[/color]" Kazu really couldn't remember why he was here, he was just enjoying this thing...he did however take this time to study the Captain of Squad 4, he'd never been this close to her...in fact...she smelt rather nice. "[color=ed1c24]You smell nice...what perfume are you wearing? I don't think I've smelt this one before[/color]"