As Echo moved closer to him, Khona sat up and watched him, un-moving except for his eyes and the occasional twitch of the end of his tail, which he curled around his front feet. He kept his wings tight to his back, so apart from the black raptor-beak, he appeared very catlike in posture. He seemed to be watching Echo's antics with a certain amount of snooty disdain, because dogs were idiots obviously, but when Echo pounced on one of the talons sticking out from under his tail he pawed back at him, lifting himself up to his feet again, his wings unfurling slightly. While the pup was distracted, he reached around and pecked at Echo's tail, giving it a tug with his beak. He never spoke, of course, but he gave a burbling chirrup that, apart from anything else, seemed to indicate good intentions. Rilana took the paper back and read it quickly, automatically offering it back as she replied. [color=00aeef]"Well I'm pleased to meet an uncommon wolf. Training wolves takes a lot of patience because they are smart enough to constantly test you. And a dire wolf can be especially strong and protective. I train animals where I'm from. I was in Ebonfort to deliver a war-horse to one of the Lord Knights, but I'm on my way to the tournament. I heard that it's not something to miss."[/color] A puff of dust on the other side of the hill hinted the arrival of more travelers and Rilana pursed her lips a little. [color=00aeef]"If you don't mind, could we move off the road? I'm a little nervous about Khona meeting too many strangers at once."[/color] She whistled through her teeth and the gryphon glanced up. [color=00aeef]"We could talk a bit more about training if you like."[/color] It occured to her that she was the only one talking, but that didn't really bother her. She took a few steps down the hill where they could rest in the shade, out of sight of the road.