[@Kurisa][center][h3][color=B0E0E6]Captain of Squad Four [b]Miho Hari-Zumi[/b][/color][/h3] [img]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y404/AbigailTenshi/8d3ee651-cc92-419c-a9e1-b5b5ba60045f_zpszkouz0b9.jpg[/img][/center] Miho didn't quite receive what she was expecting, but then again she never explicitly asked for Kazu's hands. Looking at her newly acquired bananas, Miho chuckled. The majority of the members here were usually all so serious, Kazu however was different, which was a really nice change. Gripping softly the bananas, Miho smiled widely at Kazu while still chuckling. [color=B0E0E6][b]"[i]Hehe[/i], bananas are really nice and tasty [i]hmhm[/i], thank you Lieutenant Shinka"[/b][/color] Despite being of Captain status, Miho always felt the need to bow her head to members in respect if she had been given a gift, thus why she bowed her head a little at Kazu as she thanked him. Kazu then commented on her smell, which was and unexpected compliment but Kazu was always of full of lovely surprises. [color=B0E0E6][b]"[i]Hehe[/i], well I'm not really wearing any perfume... I do eat very well and treat my body like a shrine so I guess my natural scent must be what you're smelling [i]hmhm[/i], thank you for the compliment Lieutenant"[/b][/color] Miho couldn't help a faint blush settle on her cheeks, she wasn't used to being complimented or anything of the like so it was easy to make her blush. Placing the bananas gently into one of her Haori pockets, Miho held her hands out again. [color=B0E0E6][b]"Would you like to place your palms on top of mine? I'll let you sample what I usually do with the other Shinigami that participate in these sessions"[/b][/color] She offered once more, a little more clearer this time.