[Hider= Obligatio (Binding) Mageblood ] [U]School of Necromancy[/u] [IMG]http://www.neostate.net/images/summoning.jpg[/IMG] Life Giving- The most well known, and feared, of the Necromancer's power is the ability to give life to inanimate objects. Most often, it is corpses. But, a Necromancer can give life to anything, as long as it isn't already apart of something animate and alive(Like someone's blood or skeleton while they were alive, or a piece of a Golem). If it's an inanimate object(book, knife, shoe, stick), it is known as a Golem, and is commonly referred to as Motemnecromancy. If it's a corpse, or a piece of a corpse, it is known as an Undead and commonly referred to as Mortumnecromancy*. It can be something as common as a book, to something as morbid as a fresh corpse. Regardless of how it's done, there are two types of Life giving, or spirit summoning. The first is the simpliest, easiest, and fastest. It is known as Raising. A vessel is found, a spirit(be it animal or man) is yanked from the Pit, and it's thrown into the vessel with a directive. The spirit's memory of it's past life is wiped, and the Golem, or corpse, or what have you, is like a new born, a blank slate. Not helpless, but it has no personality either. As the Golem or Undead lives on and experiences more things, it gains a personality(and skill set) based upon those things. In short, quick and easy, but the Golems/Undead take a long while to become actually good at their directives(Fight, craft, spy, etc.) The second is far more complicated, difficult, and slower. It is known as Summoning. A vessel is selected, and a specific spirit is searched for in the Pit. This requires time, and considerable effort, but the effects are immediate and the benefits are greater. Rather than having to wait for an Undead/Golem to think and react, and generally be good at it's directive. Instead of a blank slate, you get a soul with all it's memories intact. A general. A craftsman. A soldier. Etc. *A note on Mortumnecromancy- The Fresher the Corpse is, the easier it is to bind a spirit to. If you just killed a person, and Raised a spirit in their body, it would require little extra mageblood to bind it. If you try to raise skeleton warriors, a lot of extra mageblood is required to bind each and every joint to the spirit. Novices: Can only do Raising, and only one. Intermediate: Can only do Raising, but several of them. Advanced: Can do both Raising and Summoning, a large amount of Raised, but only one Summoned. Master: Can do both Raising and Summoning, an massive amount of Raised, and a large amount of Summoned. Puppetry- Every Necromancer can sense their constructs. From the smallest, to the largest. They instinctively know how far away their creations are, and what state they are in, if not exactly where they are. Through this link, constructs can report to their masters about recent developments. Troop movements, new arrivals, landscape changes, etc. But, the link works two ways. A Necromancer can assume control of their creations, and speak and see through them. Or, on a smaller scale, they can connect with their constructs, and manipulate it as they would their own bodies. Naturally, this depends on the type of construct, a fist can only be manipulated as a fist, while a humanoid body can be manipulated as the necromancer’s own body.The size of the object that the Necromancer is raising increases as they learn more and become more powerful. Novice: Can connect with a creation for a few moments, only being able to see through it.Novices can give life to a ball, or a toy soldier(or the equivalent there of) Intermediate: Can connect with a creation for as long as they wish, but can only see through it. Intermediates can give life to a medium sized dog, like a labrador(or the equivalent there of). Advanced: Can connect with a creation for as long as they wish, and can speak and see through it. Can manipulate a limb construct.(Ex: If they gave life to a statues’s arm, they could manipulate the statues’s arm like it was their own, but no more.)Advanced can give life to full corpses(or the equivalent there of). Master: Can connect with a creation as long as the want, can speak and see and move through it. Can manipulate a construct as if it was their own body(From a distance).Masters can give life to giant creations. [U]School of Demonomancy[/u] [IMG]http://www.darkestofangels.com/wp-content/uploads/wm-media/darkest-of-angels/gallery/fan-art/lizc/wizard-by-lizc.jpg[/IMG] Demonmancy is commonly referred to as the magic of controlling demons, and Demonmancers (Also called Summoners) are those who utilize this. Most if not all demons that roam Tiien comes from a parallel realm known as “The Inferno”. The Inferno is a hellish realm in which all demons have access to. Mages who’s blood surge with Demonmancy has a sensitive connection to the Inferno and its inhabitants. Demons themselves are naturally connected to it, whether they wish to be there or not. And while the summoning and controlling of demons is the basic idea of Demonmancy, there is also more. Demonmancy is more than simply controlling demons; it’s a magic that allows the user to manipulate the connection between our world and the Inferno. To become demonic themselves. At your most basic level, most Demonmancer are only capable of detecting a phenomenon known as “The Veil”. The Veil is a magical barrier present all over the world, but it is stronger and/or weaker in some areas. The Veil protects the world from demons, specifically it prevents demons from simply entering our world on their own accord. Only in areas were The Veil is considerably weak could a demon freely enter out world, and even than the demon must be particularly powerful to do so on their own. This only applies to demons however: Demonmancers are unique in that they can temporarily weaken The Veil allowing demons to enter, or even create a portal directly to the Inferno and allowing any demons who finds said portal to enter without expending any magical energy themselves. Weakening the veil allows potentially powerful demons to be summoned, while opening a portal may allow more than one demons to arrive during the duration of the portal’s existence. Both of these skills are within the bounds of an intermediately trained Demonmancers, but both have their draw backs as well. Namely, it is nearly impossible to tell what will be summoned, and even than the demons will have no obligations to actually heed your command once they are summoned. Demonmancers who simply weaken the veil to summon demons are at risk: a demon strong enough to enter our world through a weaken veil is a demon of considerable power, which is likely not going to take the commands of an intermediately skilled demonmancer (Though this may vary on the demon and the summoner, more information later). Those who use the portal method see a similar threat, only much more uncontrollable. Creating a portal into the Inferno does not guarantee that a demon will even be summoned, as the demon must will itself to enter the portal and subsequently our own world. And like the previously mentioned method, the demon will have no reason to heed your commands, and this time the demon would be at full power. Additionally, using portals to summon demons are also more difficult due to the fact that the portal will be created in relation to your location the Inferno. And despite our realm and the Inferno being parallel, they are not similar in size (More info on the Inferno itself later). Thus, creating a portal into the Inferno to summon a demon requires either a massive amount of knowledge on the Inferno itself or its relation to our world, or a paramount of luck on your end. Additionally, both methods must be sustained by the demonmancer for certain duration. Meaning that it is not an instant effect; the summoner must expand their own energy in order to maintain either the weakening of the veil or the upkeep of the portal (The latter which takes more energy than the former). Both of these methods which can be draining on an intermediate demonmancer, deadly even. Either way these two methods, while the first ones you may have access to, should not be taken unless in extreme emergency or after careful preparations. At a more adapt level one can summon demons directly from the Inferno under their own power. To do so however requires intense research on the demon in question. There are many varieties of demons, so many in fact that documenting them all is nearly impossible. There are however, a considerable amount of demons species known and documented. With the right knowledge one can summon the demon through incantation (Specifically the name of their demon species), and at higher levels simply through mental cues. However, demons who own names are much more powerful than simply calling their individual species. These demons are categorized as “Familiars” (Also known as Demon Familiars or Familiar Demons, either of the three are exchangeable to one another). What a main factor that separates a Familiar to your average demon is that a Familiar is capable of not only independence, but also growth. Demons who do not take on names typically remain at their same level of power, intellect, and overall ability throughout their entire life, unless they become Familiars. To create a Familiar, one must name the demon. Names give power to demons; it gives them a unique identity from merely their appearance or their demon species. Additionally, the demon specifically needs a certain amount of time to be conditioned towards the demonmancer (A process that can vary in length in each individual demon). There are many philosophies in which one can follow to raise their familiar, so feel free to use which ever you feel is necessary for your particular demon. Lastly, the Familiar must feed off the summoner’s magical energy for its duration of its time on the summoner’s realm. This is not so the demon can continue to exist on the realm (They can do that under their own power once they get there), but so the Familiar can increase its abilities. Without the constant feeding of the summoner’s energy, the Familiar’s growth will become stunted. One must be careful when creating Familiar however, as their newfound individuality and power could very well be used against the summoner/master. Not only do they grow in power and intelligence, but some demons may begin to regain memories. These memories vary from demon to demon, but one thing should be taken into consideration: Demons are made from the evil of mortals (More information later). And their memories will be of the evil they committed as mortals. How this affects your demon will vary wildly, but must be kept under careful watch. Some demons will feel remorse and/or guilt for their past, some may wish to relish and repeat their past in the present, or however the demon choses to react. Nonetheless, the rediscovery of their memory will affect how they perceive your as their master, and for good or for bad, you must take responsibility in making sure they handle their memories as your require them. There are some demons, however, who have grown too powerful to simply become Familiars. There are many names for these categories of demons, but generally they are referred to as Archdemons. These are demons who not only regain the memories of their past life, but have such an amount of power that they can command entire legions of demons of their own, not unlike a master demonmancer. These Archdemons are known to even be capable of magic beyond Demonmancy, as they will have their own mageblood (Potentially more than one). While the exact power level of these Archdemons can vary, they are nonetheless very powerful and dangerous to those who they see as enemies. Only truly powerful Demonmancers can call upon them, and even master Demonmancers will go through great struggles to have one become a Familiar (Unless they have taken the time and effort to raise them from the beginning, a feat of considerable skill). Indeed, Archdemons are typically powerful enough to enter the mortal realm as they see fit, sundering the Veil while doing so, and usually it’s not for good intentions. And while Archdemons are few in numbers and almost never see eye-to-eye with one another, to even have contact with one can make a demonmancer a very powerful threat. More so if the demonmancer has the power to actually control the Archdemon. But there is more to Demonmancy than just demons. Demonmancers are capable of a hidden art known as Inferno Magic, the magic which demons do. The art of Inferno Magic allows the Demonmancer to manipulate the Inferno itself. To even access the art of Inferno Magic requires the demonmancer to have a Familiar, as the Familiar is the one who must teach the art to the Demonmancer. Inferno Magic is an entirely own subject of magic that not many demonmancers touch upon, and even fewer master. Inferno Magic involves manipulating the Inferno, and for demonmancers this means manipulating the Inferno into the mortal realm. The Inferno has its own source of heat and cold, the source so alien that traditionally Pyromancy and Cryomancy cannot manipulate (Though both are capable of defending themselves against it). In practice, Inferno Magic does share some similarities to many magics. A beginning skill in Inferno Magic is simply turning the area around you into an area similar to the Inferno, which can be either extremely hot or extremely cold. More advance levels into Inferno Magic, however, allows one bring more of the Inferno into their environment. Demonmancers well versed in Inferno Magic could potentially turn a common stone into one from the Inferno, which are typically much more durable, covered in spikes, and on fire. Conversely, they could also turn said stone into one in the Inferno that is solid ice, which they can manipulate into different shapes or destroy it outright. Strong practitioners of Inferno Magic can even turn entire rivers into solid ice, or transform them into rivers of lava, and from there what they do with it is limited only by their current magical energy and their imagination. But like traditional Demonmancy, Inferno Magic relies heavily on location and on the Demonmancer’s own knowledge of the area and its corresponding location in the Inferno. Experienced Demonmancers (Typically one does not attain such a rank without at least being able to perform Inferno magic) are capable of spending their energy more efficiently. Unlike more novice demonmancers, Experienced ones can summon up as many as their mage blood will allow, and most aside from the very powerful demons will heed their call. Experienced Demonmancers may also begin to take on the process of becoming “Felled”; that is, the process of becoming a demon (Those who succeed are called Fallen). Despite the naming, becoming Felled does not usually require any acts of evil, rather it is simply the summoner allowing their demon (Typically a familiar) to become one with them, fusing their bodies, souls, and mind into one form. Multiple demons can be Felled together. What this creates is a mortal who is now partially demonic; this ensure that, upon death, a demon of substantial power is born, with near identical personality of its former mortal life. The process allows links the summoner to the Inferno, allowing the mage to enter the realm without repercussions. The process of becoming Felled also grants the summoner traits of the demons which they’ve been assimilated to, which may vary from demon to demon. An additional ability of Demonmancers of this level is their own power to enforce their will upon other demons, including Familiars of other demonmancers. A mixture of cunning and power must be applied when two demonmancers fight, as one who can use both better than the other could very well turn their familiar against their master, and claim it for themselves. This ability also allows demonmancers to control unbound demons with greater ease, forcing them under their command or banishing them to the Inferno. At this level, Demonmancers become one of their worse enemies, as they will have developed the power to negate their own. Master Level Demonmancers are on par with Archdemons; foes that must be kept in close check fo the power and influence they have. Most master level demons would likely be Archdemons if they ever shed their mortal coil, and indeed should they die, instead of being sent to the pit for judgment they have the choice of reincarnating as an Archdemon. Master Level Demonmancers can do with ease what some demonmancers require elaborate rituals to perform. Their familiars are likely very powerful, if not Archdemons themselves. But with higher power comes higher risks; Master Level Demonmancers may become targets of unbound demons who seek to consume them for their power. These level of demonmancers, should they be consumed by a strong enough demon, may very well find themselves the slave to the demon that ate them. And this may very well happen from the demonmancer’s own Familiar, should they have reason to. Even some other Archdemons see Master Demonmancers as nothing more than a source of power bound by the weakness or mortality, and so demonmancers must take careful precautions to hide themselves or obfuscate their power. But for all their weaknesses, Master Level Demonmancers are not easy to slay. Wars may be waged to kill one, as a Master Level Demonmancers could field and entire army demons at a moment’s notice. One of their chief abilities is to rend the Veil; the vary barrier that protects our world from the Inferno. While they cannot outright destroy it, they can create tears that will allow even the weakest of demons to cross over with little effort. At this level most demonmancers can place this in areas where demon populations is greatest, allowing them to summon hordes of demons with naught but a simple call. Conversely, they can also strength the Veil to the point that it can even weaken demons already present. Such ability is vital to combat other demonmancers, as without their minions they would have to rely on their own abilities outside of magic. This ability also allows Demonmancers to prevent other demonmancers from utilizing their Inferno Magics, again cutting down on their ability to do harm. This is important, as unlike weaker Demonmancers, the damage/strengthing of the Veil done by a master Demonmancer is permanent until another demonmancer of considerable skill makes their own changes. Lastly, one of the most viable powers of a true master level Demonmancers is the creation of demons themselves. Not merely summoning them, but creating one, either from their own power or siphoning off existing evil. With this ability, master Demonmancers can drain a source of evil and create a demon made of that evil under their control. Some places that are saturated with evil may become “Purified” by a master Demonmancer who stole their evil and turned it into a physical embodiment. And even if there is not a large concentration of evil, a demonmancer can make demons from any amount, no matter how minuscule. The mage may even be able to twist good virtuous things into something evil that the demonmancer can control. It is by this concept that demonmancers, of all things, can prove to be highly effective in bringing down the likes of divine beings such as Angels. By corrupting that which made them pure, a master demonmancer may cause them to fallen from divinity, becoming fallen angels. While Demonmancers cannot control them anyways, fallen angels are now susceptible to death, be it by mortals or demons. (Still hashing this out…) [/hider]