[@Lmpkio] [center][h3][b][u][color=red]Ira Amaterasu[/color][/u][/b][/h3] [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/2cmm7p3.png[/IMG] [color=red] “ What a pretty light.” [/color] , Ira exclaimed as the beam moved to engulf him. With a second to spare he dove straight for the ground , making it seem as if he’d been evaporate by the attack. Ira hit a building with a thud. The ring of fire was no longer constituting this battle. He’d use the time given to him by being perceived as dead to set up an even stronger attack than his last. Ira arose to his feet and began to conjure his magic. It would take longer than a few minutes for his opponent to notice he wasn’t dead so he had to act fast. He planned to throw an attack through a building at his unsuspecting opponent. Ira had the perfect one in mind. Ira crossed his arm and rose them towards the sky. His magic immediately began to form a dark sphere like attack. The orb swallowed all nearby shadows and smaller white lights which made it resemble the night’s sky. As the orb grew larger it began to dematerialize everything surrounding it.Nearby buildings evaporate under its pressure. It even pulled in the building in which Ira was standing. [color=red] “ I will crush you Lizard. Heavenly Body Magic:Altairis. “[/color] As the last of the building dissipated Ira launched his attack. He was no longer concerned with casualties. The lizard had struck a nerve when he shrug off Ira’s first attack. This attack on the other wasn’t something he could shrug off. The gravity mechanism was enough to crush the Tower of Dreams. There was no way Matt could withstand it. The orb was now huge and moving at unpredictable speed. It careened towards an unsuspecting Matt. Ira wondered how he would dodge gravity. [/center]