Well, here it is..... [hider=Ian James] [CENTER][I]Character Theme –[/I] [URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iaR3WO71j4]Secret Agent Man[/URL] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://whatculture.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/bio-goldberg.png[/IMG] the Eight Ball dresses ordinarily casual. A plain black pullover and jeans, on his stocky 6'4" frame, open to reveal a white (or black, depending ) collared shirt. Black Biker Boots tap along the ground he walks upon, and he sports a rugged but appealing gunmetal silver Rollex watch clasped on his left wrist. Shaved head, goatie, wolfish visage. Thin lips and a hawkish nose give him a menacing yet tempting expression, only compounded upon by his devilish grin. His is a very enticing face; one that is menacingly repulsive and yet daringly inviting at the same time. Despite his age, the years have been kind on him, and it has attracted many... and spared very few. His eyes are Dark Brown, perhaps his greatest and most accurate betrayers. It has been said, "The eyes are the window to the soul," and that is certainly evident in Ian James eyes. They are too edged, too piercing. To hold his gaze is to behold a very analytical and cold mind, one capable of revelry one moment, and indifferent business the next. They are doors into a mind that samples pleasure and sin, and will destroy all of it on a whim. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Full Name[/U]】 [I]Ian James Pennington[/I] 【[U]Nick-name?[/U]】 [I]Eightball[/I] 【[U]Gender[/U]】 [I]Male[/I] 【[U]Age[/U]】 [I]40[/I] 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 [I]Hetro[/I] 【[U]Birth Place[/U]】 [I]Artic Circle[/I] 【[U]Club Status[/U]】 [I]Warrior[/I] 【[U]Profession[/U]】 [I]Bike Mechanic..(unknown by MC, undercover Agent) [/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Personality[/U]】 [I]In many ways Ian James epitomes the MI-6 and the Scoland Yard. Odd, considering that superficially he is everything they are not when the government comes to mind. Armored soldiers of death are more appropriate; not some slick, would-be Suave Undercover Agent, patrolling the red light district or clubs. Yet, it is this subtlety that the Eight Ball embodies. He is firsthand proof that the faces of the Department are many--and none-- and in addition that an abyss lies beneath the surface, even if it is right below one's nose. Ian James is a ghost, an unarmored, exposed secret agent-spy, watchout, double-agent, and more. He frequents the criminal underworld and highworld. His clientele involves junkies, hitmen, Mafioso, hookers, and petty crooks in the streets, clubs, and shady alleyways; and likewise politicians, corporate heads, and the rich elite in their penthouses, offices, and country clubs. He serves as an ear and mouth for MI-6, listening to the current that flows in these circles and, when beneficial to Scotland Yard, starting new ripples. But this is just his day job. On his "off hours," he is keen to partaking of the revelries of his calling, sampling the sins of the flesh and other pleasures circulating in these dark environments for personal enjoyment, not just to fit in. That is not to say that even in these moments he is unguarded; for even then he is still immersed in the criminal culture and still aware of its happenings. In truth, he is always "on duty," but it might be said that he is merely combining his hobbies with his work. Ian James is cunning and mentally dangerous. He looks at people in terms of the threat they pose; those deemed as one are treated immediately and permanently, those not are ignored only for the moment—but never wholly disregarded. He takes quiet satisfaction in dissecting the minds of those he's dealing with, allowing him to be all the better in interacting with them--but also so that he can string them along however he pleases. He dwells in a world with intellects ranging at either extremity; from the incredibly sharp and devious to the broken and trodden. It makes for quite fun sport. Finally, there is a subtle side to the Eight Ball, one that underlies him in his entirety. It is a fact few truly realize, and it is perhaps the deadliest thing about him. He is corruption. He is perversion; the taking of something good and pure and defiling it into something subtly and yet distinctly wrong. His goal is to undermine from the inside out, and twist things to his ends. He is the proverbial rot that ruins the tree, betraying not a single sign until it's too late. At first glance everything looks normal and in good order, yet on closer examination it becomes glaring that something terrible is amiss. That is truly what satisfies him, and it always guides his hand in some form or another. It is business, after all.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]History[/U]】 [I]He signed into the Royal Marines at the age of 18, spending the next several months eating bullets, pissing lead, and learning how to kill enemies with precisely executed strikes. But from there, all records would be blacked out, his existence erased, only becoming a whisper in the night. A bedtime story that Englands enemies would tell their children at night to keep them from misbehaving. He spent four years being a Royal Marine, then recruited to go into MI-6 counter-intelligence for another six years. A total of ten years of training as a skilled assassin, from jumping out of aircraft at high altitudes in the cover of night, fulfilling black operations that could be considered as suicide missions for some, to the general fucking shit up in a manner most extreme, then disappear as if nothing had happened. After his service in the military and MI-6, Ian James had simply fallen off the grid. the majority of records regarding him were already blacked out, or non-existent to begin with, which had left him a "simple" man with no identity. But the government had no intention of throwing somebody like him away, and so They enlisted him as an deep undercover Agent for MI-5/Scotland Yards Joint Organized Crime Taskforce, in attempt to halt the flow of drugs and weapons passing thru England and suspected of being sold for profit by Terrorist groups, giving him the alias of "Ian James". These day's Ian James is a myth, both figuratively and literally speaking. He is a living ghost, with little to no records existing, and the few that do exist have been blacked out due to his military/MI-6 career. This allows him to remain undercover with whatever alias he's currently using with no worry that he'll "be figured out", as every contract, every covert operation that he has participated in, had been removed from whatever records they were on when he had completed them. From the "few" undercover contracts that he receives from MI-5/Scotland Yard, he has more than enough time to "kill off" an alias and start anew, and when coupled with his previous history, effectively makes him a sleeper agent. Blank fingerprints included.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Skills and Abilities[/U]】 [I]just because he carries few weapons does not mean he is defenseless. He is more than adept in using knives and guns, however he finds the latter harder to conceal and carry, resorting to the former most of the time. One of his favorites is his ceramic composite balisong, harder and sharper than most blades made of steel. Nevertheless, he still carries a traditionally made switchblade, primarily because bodyguard searches will always find that one first, and then presume he's defenseless, especially after a walk-through a metal detector comes up negative. Guns can be taken easily enough when necessary, but for the most part he prefers the intimacy of small bladed weapons. For Gabriel, dancing, fighting, and sex are, when done properly, all the same art form. And there is something to be admired in the footwork and grace in melee fighting, the same with any intense dance, and of course with techniques in bed. He is also fond of hand-to-hand combat, exhibiting a style that might be described as half krav maga martial art, and half brutal street brawler.[/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【[U]Equipment[/U]】 Mechanics Tools ceramic composite balisong switchblade Various handguns/automatic weapons as needed. [I][u]Clothing[/u] full leather Biker Coat for fall and winter, Leather vest for spring and summer. Front: “Yarmouth” and (below that) “Original” on the left breast • “Warrior” patch •A 1% patch Back: A top rocker displaying “Yare Raiders” written in black caps with a white background •A bottom rocker displaying “Yarmouth” written in black caps with a white background •The centre patch featuring the MC’s symbol: A black Viking ship with a red highlight •An MC patch T-shirts, Jeans, Leather boots. [u]Bike[/u] 2014 Ultra Classic Electra Glide[/I][/center] [img]http://i3.ccxcdn.com/i4/17efcde9/3415db71/753618942n.jpg[/img] [/hider]