[@Kurisa][center][h3][color=B0E0E6]Captain of Squad Four [b]Miho Hari-Zumi[/b][/color][/h3] [img]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y404/AbigailTenshi/8d3ee651-cc92-419c-a9e1-b5b5ba60045f_zpszkouz0b9.jpg[/img][/center] Miho chuckled happily as Kazu expressed a scientific interest in her scent. [color=B0E0E6][b]"I wouldn't mind having you join me while I excise or for a meal one day if you'd like. It would be nice to have some company, perhaps you could also invite your Captain along too so we can all get to know each other"[/b][/color] She grinned at Kazu as she spoke with a hint of enthusiasm. Miho loved making friends and meeting new people, any chance she had she'd take it, anything was better than being alone during social activities. Kazu finally placed his palms on top of hers, now was when she could really show off one of her talents. Lowering her grin to a delicate smile, Miho placed her thumbs on top of Kazu's hands to secure them. It had been a while since she preformed this onto a Lieutenant. [color=B0E0E6][b]"Alright now... Close your eyes... Back straight... Inhale.... Exhale... Inhale... Exhale... Focus..."[/b][/color] As she did before, Miho followed the instructions she gave, expecting Kazu to follow along. Between both of their palms, a soothing warmth would fill the gap before an odd energy would flow into Kazu's body. He'd feel it flow through him before wrapping around him. The energy would have a comforting and reassuring feeling resonating from it. Miho would then increase the pressure of this energy, making the feeling from it much stronger and noticeable, as well as a tad warming. The warmth that came from her palms would linger on Kazu's hands as she removed her own slowly, however it would feel as though her hands were still there. [color=B0E0E6][b]"You choose... How you'd like this energy to help you..."[/b][/color] Speaking barely above a whisper, Miho opened her eyes to study Kazu's reaction to this. This was only meant to be a sample of what she could do, there were other techniques she had possessed for relaxation purposes, this was just one of the ones that she felt was suitable for these sessions. Also since she was unaware if Kazu was feeling stressed about anything, she didn't take things as far as she would of for someone who was in need. [color=B0E0E6][b]"I really hope that helped you, even if it was a little bit"[/b][/color] Miho would say after Kazu would choose to open his eyes.