[Center][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/5b2c4066abba2e421f0fde3b34267289/tumblr_nhmdej9RCv1subvnlo1_500.gif[/img] [h1][color=goldenrod]Kiran Khanna[/color][/h1][/center] Kiran's stared out of the window at the trees that sped by. Her trip had exhausted her. The usually bright girl sighed as she thought about her future. Of course being a minor ment that she had no choice in the matter, however soon enough she'd be able to make her own choices. Nonetheless, Kiran's mother was still trying to get her daughter back. Every meeting was filled with fake smiles and small talk until the door shut. Then came the bombardment of questions, the pleading, and the desperation. It was pathetic. A fully grown woman needed to act like one even under stress. You can't just break form, otherwise you'll fall. It was the same as fighting. Kiran inhaled sharply and stretched as best as she could in the small cab. It was the same old thoughts running through her head as usual. The musical girl needed something to perk her spirits up. So, she closed her eyes and started to hum to herself. Kiran kept the beat by tapping her foot. She hummed a song about her father, Apollo. It had been awhile since they had talked. Being a god came with a lot of responsibility, so it was understandable. But just remembering her father made her smile. The sun shining on her face throught the window felt so good on her skin. Finally, the cab stopped, and the driver called out over his shoulder to the girl lost in her own little world. "We're here ma'am," Kiran opened her eyes a bit startled before smiling. [Color=goldenrod]"Thank you,"[/color] She replied, fishing the money her mother gave her as an attempted bribe. Quickly the girl gave him the money and hopped out of the cab with her backpack. It was full of food and supplies just in case she was attack while outside the camp. Khryseis was slung over her back, probably looking increadably weired to mortals. With a wave the driver made a U turn and drove off. The daughter of Apollo set off at a leisurely pace towards home sweet home. Along the way, her mind wandered here and there. A couple of times suspicious noises made her jump into a fighting mentality, only for an animal to scurry out from their hiding spot. Once she finally got to the entrance of camp, she noticed a large group of campers standing on top of the hill. Kiran knew all except one of them. He must be new. After all, Kiran knew everyone. Usually, she'd go and say hi, but it seems as though he had enough company. Plus the Indian girl needed to toss her things into the cabin, and hope it hadn't burn down while she was gone. (Which was a serious possibility, it would have happened one time if Claire hadn't been nearby.) So, Kiran waved to the group with a quick "Hey," before passing them by. She was in charge of a larger cabin, well at least larger than some, and with that came responsibility. Luckily the cabin had not broke down or caught on fire, but there had been a bit of a scuffle while she was gone. Apparently, the two half brothers were still harboring ill will towards each other. Kiran dropped her stuff beside her bed before confronting the two about their behavior. After listening to both sides of the story, she realized it was simply a miscommunication error and quickly solved the problem. However, since they broke one of the bunk beds in the process, they were stuck with cleaning the cabin. After all was well in Cabin Eleven, Kiran flopped down on her bed for perhaps a quick nap.