[@The Whacko] [@6slyboy6] Even taking a moment to make herself presentable, changeing into her least stained leather overalls and pulling her hair back into a loose ponytail, and grabbing a large bag of tools to look the part, Imogen was still out the door and scampering across town in reasonable time. She made good time towards Forrest's docks, vaulting through back alleys, exploiting all the secret shortcuts that she knew to get to Forrest's docks in half the time it would take by street. She quickly looked around for the man, picking out his large stature quickly. [color=00CC00]"Forrest!"[/color] She called out running over to the man. Forrest looked over to her and nodded curtly in greeting. [color=red]"Well well. If it ain't Hollister's little girl? You come to sell your father's dock off finally?"[/color] He teased. Imogen stuck her tongue out at him. [color=00CC00]"You wish."[/color] She chuckled. [color=00CC00]"I'm here because of a very specific ship I saw docking here earlier."[/color] Forrest nodded knowingly. [color=red]"The Magnificent, huh?"[/color] He said. [color=red]"Should have guessed I'd see you around here soon when that vessel came through here. You just missed the captain by a few minutes, but don't worry, it looks like he was headed to Dex's place looking for a crew."[/color] Imogen clapped excitedly, turning on her heel and waving as she hurried off. [color=00CC00]"Thanks, Forrest!"[/color] [color=red]"Don't say I never did you nothing."[/color] Forrest called after her. Imogen quickly cleared the few blocks to her pop's bar, not the largest in town, but she could tell by the crowd of activity that news of Levi's arrival had spread quickly. She dodged her way through the crowd and into the interior of her pop's bar. Dexter would be loving all this extra business. She pushed herself up to the front of the crowd to see Levi himself talking to a bald man at a table. Her heart nearly stopped as she saw him. A real legend from stories she had grown up idolizing was sitting a few meters away from her, tangible and real as anyone else she had met. She almost squeaked, but no air came out. She took a moment and a couple of deep breaths to compose herself before stepping forward and extending a hand to Levi, putting on her best professional face, which was admittedly still cut with excitement. [color=00CC00]"Hello, Captain Levi. I'm sorry to interrupt, but I just had to say that I'm a huge fan and it's an honor to meet you. I heard that you were looking for a crew and I was wondering if you had need of an engineer."[/color]